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I sit in Vicktoria's office, my hands clenched into fists as I struggle to contain my anger. It had been difficult enough to hold it at bay in the courtroom. "How could you let this happen ?" I shout, my voice shaking. "You said we had a strong case".

!Vicktoria sighs, her eyes never leaving the documents on her desk. "Felicity, we would have had a strong case if your evidence hadn't been fake and witnesses paid off".

"What do you mean fake?" I snap, my face turning red as I glare at her. "I gave you everything you needed to win this case. You charge plenty for what... ruining my case".

Vicktoria leans back in her chair, her expression cold and calculating as always. "Felicity, we both know that your claims about Celestia paying the doctor, and agreeing to be a surrogate were completely fabricated. It's no wonder the judge didn't believe us".

I feel a wave of frustration course through me. "This isn't fair! Tom should be mine, I worked hard to ensure that he was to be a stepping stone to the life I deserve. Celestia is just... unworthy of him".

Vicktoria shakes her head, clearly unimpressed. "You need to accept the fact that Tom has moved on and realize that you never truly loved him. He is engaged to Celestia now, and they have two beautiful daughters together. Continuing to fight this will only make you look desperate. You already have the public opinion against you".

As much as it pains me to admit it, I know Vicktoria is right. Tom is gone, and he is never coming back. But that doesn't mean I have to like it or accept defeat.

"I just can't believe he chose her". I whisper, my voice laced with bitterness. "She is nothing compared to me".

Vicktoria's eyes narrow, and she leans forward in her chair. "Felicity, are you even listening to yourself ? You need to let this go and move on. Tom and Celestia are happy, and there is nothing you can do to change that. I would suggest you focus on yourself for a while, find out what you truly want".

My jaw clenches, and I force a smile onto my face. "You are right, Vicktoria". I say, my voice dripping with insincerity. "I need to move on and let them be happy. To find my own happiness".

Vicktoria studies me for a moment, her gaze unsettlingly perceptive. "I hope you mean that, Felicity. I won't be a part of any more schemes to hurt Tom and Celestia. My job here is done. If you find yourself in need of a lawyer in the future I recommend you look elsewhere".

"Oh I will". I say, my voice dripping venom. "Goodbye Vicktoria".

But as I leave her office, I can't shake the burning desire for revenge. I may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over. Tom and Celestia will pay, one way or another, and I will make sure of it. No one makes a fool of me and gets away with it.

As I sit in the wheelchair, Tom's strong hands gently pushing me down the hallway toward the neonatal ward, I can't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety. Today, the doctor told me that I will be able to go home tomorrow, which should be a happy occasion, but the thought of leaving our newborn daughters behind is almost unbearable.

I could have walked to be honest, but Tom is being slightly over protective of both me and our daughters.

"Tom". I say softly, my voice catching as I try to hold back my tears, "I don't know if I can do this. I don't want to leave Lily and Mia here".

Tom's face is filled with concern as he glances down at me. "I know, Celestia. It's hard to imagine leaving them here, but we have to trust that they are in good hands. You will have more rest at home, and besides, Lily might be able to come home soon if she keeps growing stronger".

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now