Alone in court

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I step out of the car and onto the courthouse steps, immediately feeling the absence of Celestia by my side. The weight of the situation sinks in, and I take a deep breath. It's strange not having her with me, but I know she needs to be at home, resting.

A group of fans gathers nearby, their excited chatter pulling me from my thoughts. I force a smile and approach them to show my appreciation for their support.

"How are Celestia and the babies doing ?" One fan asks with genuine concern.

"They're doing okay, thank you". I reply. "Celestia is resting at home right now".

I'm touched by their concern and grateful for the distraction. The fans continue to ask questions and offer their well-wishes, and I do my best to answer them all.

As I turn to head inside, I spot a few reporters lurking nearby. For once they approach cautiously, their expressions a mix of curiosity and sympathy.

"We heard about Celestia fainting". One of them says. "How is she ?"

"It was just low blood pressure, so luckily not as bad as we feared". I explain. "She is fine now, and I want to thank you all for giving us space when it happened".

The reporters nod, and I can see they appreciate my gratitude. It's a small moment of understanding amidst the chaos.

Just then, Alan arrives, his calm and collected demeanor a welcome sight. He nods at me, and together we head into the courtroom, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Inside, I spot Felicity and her lawyer, Vicktoria, sitting on the other side. I can't help but feel a mix of anger and disbelief at the claims they have made about Celestia and our twins.

As the proceedings begin, I steel myself, focusing on the task ahead.

I'm called to the stand, and as I sit down, I feel a rush of anxiety. Vicktoria, stands up and begins questioning me. Her calculating gaze is unnerving, but I take a deep breath and remind myself to remain honest and calm.

"Mr. Hiddleston". She starts. "How did you feel when you first found out that Celestia was pregnant with your child ?"

I pause for a moment, collecting my thoughts. "I was torn". I admit. "It was strange to think that a stranger was carrying my child, but at the same time, I had always wanted to be a father. Felicity and I had been trying for a while with no success, so the news was bittersweet".

Vicktoria nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer. She continues, "Did you not pressure Felicity into accepting the situation with Celestia ?"

"No, I didn't pressure her". I respond firmly. "I may have tried to persuade her a bit, but I never forced her into anything. I simply spoke about the positives of the situation, like not having to go through a pregnancy herself".

I can see Vicktoria processing my words, looking for any weakness she can exploit. I maintain eye contact, showing her that I am not backing down, and not crumbling.

Vicktoria continues her questioning, shifting her focus to Celestia's living arrangements. "Was it not your idea to move Celestia into your home ?"

"Yes, it was". I confirm, trying to maintain my composure.

"And wasn't that because you were already attracted to Celestia and planned on keeping her as an in-house mistress, all while lying to Felicity and claiming Celestia was unattractive ?" Vicktoria presses, her tone accusatory.

"I won't lie, I found Celestia attractive". I admit. "But I never considered cheating or being with her while I was engaged to Felicity. I never called Celestia those names, but I let Felicity draw her own conclusions based on her view of other women".

Vicktoria slams her hand down on the counter, her eyes narrowing. "But you did cheat, didn't you ? You did start sleeping with Celestia while you were still engaged to Felicity".

I swallow hard, feeling the weight of my actions. "Yes, I did". I confess. "It just happened as Felicity pushed me away, but that's no excuse. I take full responsibility for what I did, and I apologize to Felicity". I look over at Felicity, my eyes filled with regret. "I should have handled things differently. But it was never planned... I simply fell in love with Celestia".

The courtroom falls silent as I finish my confession, the tension in the air palpable. Despite the difficult circumstances, I know that admitting the truth is the only way forward.

Vicktoria tries a new angle, her voice dripping with indignation. "Tom's actions took everything from Felicity... her home, her relationship, and now you want to take the children she dreamed about too ?"

Before I can respond, Alan interjects, his tone firm. "Objection, Your Honor. Tom's actions in regard to his relationship with Felicity have no actual relevance to this case. The matter at hand is determining who has the right to the children, and the court does not take children away from parents simply because they cheated".

"Sustained". The judge nods in agreement, silencing Vicktoria's line of questioning.

Undeterred, she asks if I had not told Felicity that we could adopt the children after they were born. I explain my stance carefully, making sure to emphasize Celestia's role.

"I did tell Felicity that if Celestia did not want to be a part of the children's lives, we could consider adopting them. However, I always made it clear that the choice was ultimately up to Celestia. I admit I may have let Felicity draw her own conclusions, as I didn't have the energy to fight her on it".

Vicktoria's expression tightens, clearly frustrated by my answers. She finally concedes. "No further questions".

As Alan has no question either, I step down from the stand. I glance at Alan, who gives me a reassuring nod. Despite the emotional turmoil, I know I have done my best to be honest and sway the case in our favor.

Stepping out of the courtroom, Alan and I walk side by side, both relieved that my testimony is over. He reassures me, saying. "Everything went well, Tom. I'm sure the jury will dismiss Felicity's claims".

I nod, grateful for his support and guidance throughout this ordeal. As we part ways, Alan adds. "Give my regards to Celestia".

"Will do, thank you, Alan". I reply with a small smile.

I get into the car and start the engine, my thoughts immediately turning to Celestia and our twins. As I drive home, I feel a mix of emotions... anxiety, hope, and love... but above all, a fierce determination to protect and care for my family.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now