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I can't believe this ... Tom broke it off with me, just like that. It is like someone has replaced him with someone else while I was out. A clone or something ... a clone controlled by Felicity.

How could he say those things to me ? He said it himself, all the time we spent together, the lovemaking, our wonderful relationship, how amazing it felt being with him, and now he basically told me that it was all fake. That he only used me.

He had no right to do this.

My body starts shaking, I want to scream and throw things around. But I cannot show any emotion, not while I am still in their home.

I am angry, I am frustrated, I am broken inside, and there is nothing I can do. All I have left is my dignity and pride, and I will cling onto both of these. I do not want Felicity to feel She won, and I do not want Tom to know he hurt me.

My anger subsides after a short period, leaving me feeling numb, empty. I sit down on the floor, hugging my knees.

This hurts more than I expected. More than I would imagine possible. But I do not have time for self pity. Getting up I start to pack.

The rest of the day is hazy. I straighten my back and push out my chin, trying not to show emotions as Tom helps me load my things and drives me to the new apartment.

He has the expression of a dog that has been kicked, while he one moment apologizes and tells me how sorry he is and the next mumbles that I really should have known.

When my things have been carried up into the apartment and Tom asks if there is something he can do for me, I slam the door in his face.

The following days pass slowly. I go through the motions of everyday life, but it feels like a dream. I don't really care anymore about the apartment, even though it is a nice apartment and fully furnitured.

Everything seems pointless.

I keep myself busy cleaning and organizing the apartment, making sure everything is in order for when the twins will be born.

My mind wanders constantly. There are so many thoughts running around that I hardly notice what I am doing. At night I sleep badly; every sound makes me jump from bed. In the morning I wake up tired, exhausted.

When I get hungry I eat quickly, and then continue with whatever helps me keep busy. I am always worried I might miss Tom's call, the call where he says he changed his mind. But it doesn't come.

I spend hours on the phone with Danny, talking him through what happened between me and Tom. He tries to console me, he tells me I did nothing wrong. But none of it matters. What Tom said made sense: I knew that I wasn't important to him, yet I kept hoping against hope. And I let myself fall in love with him without realizing that I was playing a dangerous game. At least dangerous for my heart.

One day, about two weeks later, I am sitting at my computer reading some articles online when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in". I yell, startled by the unexpected visitor.

It is Tom's sister, standing before me, looking awkward and uncomfortable.  "Hi Celestia".

  "Emily ." I half shake my head. "What are you doing here ?"

She looks around nervously. "Can I come in ? I need to talk to you".

My eyes narrow. I hate people coming over unannounced. Especially when they aren't close friends or family. But I am curious why Emily is here. So I stand up and invite her in.

She walks hesitatingly into my living room and sits down on the couch. After a few minutes she clears her throat and begins to speak.

"I wanted to tell you something ..." Her voice trails off. "It is about Tom. I am so sorry for what happened ...".

"You don't need to apologize for him". I say, shaking my head. "I was naive to believe we could ever have anything real".

Her look of surprise is obvious.

"He is a good man, but he never loved me the way I thought he did". I sigh heavily and rub my temples. My headache has returned.

After a long pause, Emily continues speaking.

"When I saw those pictures of you two, I couldn't help thinking... Maybe he finally Foundation someone worthy of him". She sighs. "When we came for dinner I realized ... he does love you. You seemed happy together...".

"But ?" I prompt, knowing there is more.

She takes another deep breath. "Not really a but ...  I know something is off here. I have no doubt Felicity is behind this ... Tom wants to be with you, not her".

My mouth drops open in shock. I stare at Emily, unable to think clearly. "Felicity ? Of course that bitch is involved. How dare she try to ruin our relationship ? To destroy us both ? Me, I get ... but Tom, she is supposed to love him".

My mouth drops open in shock. I stare at Emily, unable to think clearly. "Felicity ? Of course that bitch is involved. How dare she try to ruin our relationship ? To destroy us both ? Me, I get ... but Tom, she is supposed to love him".

"She hates you because you are better than her. Because you are beautiful and intelligent. She knows that you deserve him much more than she ever did, and she resents it. Him, she has always used him for his fame and name".

My hands begin to tremble. I take several deep breaths until I regain control of myself again.

"She must somehow be forcing his hand". She says thoughtfully.

"Blackmail ?" I whisper and she nods. "But what ?"

She takes my hand. "I will do my best to find out ... I do not like her hurting you and I definitely do not like anyone using my brother".

"Thanks". I have to swallow, I hope she is right, because maybe, just maybe, this can be solved.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now