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3 days later
"See you later my love". Felicity says, kissing me deeply and slightly inappropriately, considering that Celestia is standing right there, watching. At least that is how it feels to me.

"Have a nice ... meeting". I tell her, noticing how She eyes Celestia.

I have not decided what to do, with my life, with the women in it, with anything, but being caught in this silent catfight just stresses me further.

When Felicity has left I hear Celestia mutter something under her breath, and I turn to look at her. "What did you say ?"

"Nothing". She mumbles, giving me a glare. "I will go upstairs".

Wait, is she angry with me ? I quickly call out to her. "Are you sure everything is okay ?"

"Yes everything is okay Tom". She huffs. "I loved the display of love between you and your fiance ... so sweet".

Her voice is dripping with irony. She is clearly extremely angry with me. I bet the hormones are playing a big part. "Fuck, Celestia ... I could not really push her away. I am confused ... I don't know what to do".

I glare at her and she is staring angrily at me. "Of course you couldn't. You have to keep up pretense with the wicked whore  of the east, right ?"

"Oh for God's sake Celestia stop it... I am so stresses here, trying to decide what to do with my life. You are supposed to be the nice one, the one supporting me". I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe I am tired of being the nice one ... it is not easy being nice when you are pregnant with twins". She hisses, but she looks more hurt and unsure than actually angry.

I step up to her and she pushes me in the chest, but I gently grab her wrists, pulling her into me. "To be honest darling, I much rather touch you and kiss you right now".

She looks up at me and I lean in, catching her lips with mine. I am a bit scared that she might bite me, but instead I feel her melt into my arms and I let her go, winding my arms around her.

When we end the kiss, I gently pull her with me, sitting down on the edge of the couch and she crawls up in my lap, winding her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She rests her forehead against mine and we just sit like that for a while, gazing into each other's eyes. Feeling her warm breath on my face.

I breathe in, and feel the tensions leaving my body. I don't think it is possible to feel more protected, more intimate than this. Suddenly I feel the kids kick badly and Tom's head snaps up. "Was that ? Did they just kick ?"

"Yeah at least one of them did". My stomach is resting against his, so apparently he felt the. His hands slides down between us, cradling my stomach.

I watch his big hands run up under my shirt, a warm smile gracing his face. Then they kick again and he lights up, his eyes shining with excitement. "Oh, did you feel that''.

"Yeah Tom, I felt that, kind of hard not to as it is going on inside me". I giggle. I am so happy we aren't fighting anymore, I hate fighting with him, and we are not really good at it to be honest.

He gently rubs his hands over my skin, like he is touching a rare treasure. Then he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "This is the most amazing feeling ever darling".

"Yeah, it is something quite special". I say. I love feeling them move around in there and kick, it is the best and weirdest feeling in the world.

He starts singing in a low voice, still caressing my stomach. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken and I hung my head and cried. I'll always love you and make you happy. If you will only say the same. But if you leave me, to love another. You'll regret it all someday. You told me once, dear. You really loved me and no one else could come between. But now you've left me, and love another. You have shattered all my dreams''.

"Oh Tom, that was so beautiful". I tell him, trying to keep my tears from spilling. The kids had been completely still while he sang, but now they start kicking up a storm. "I guess someone didn't want you to stop".

"I promise you little nuggins to sing to you every night before you go to sleep when you come out to join us". He says softly.

I grab his face gently, kissing him softly, mumbling against his lips. "Be careful what you promise, there will be times when you are not there".

"Then I will skype or send a video for you to play to them. But I will try my best to be there as much as possible. I will do local plays, I would love to do more theater and movies filmed close by". He says softly, before kissing me again.

And I know he is going to do his best. Of course there are things that will not be easy, and right now there is also still Felicity in the picture. Honestly, I would be happy to see her gone, but I think the easiest way to achieve that is to be sweet to Tom, and make him feel loved.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now