Bringing her news

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I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I watch the doctors work frantically to save our little Mia. The fear is overwhelming, threatening to consume me. What if we lose her ?

Suddenly, Mia's cries fill the room, and a wave of relief washes over me. My legs feel weak, like they might collapse under the weight of my emotions. I find a nearby chair and sit down, trying to regain my composure.

A doctor approaches me, her expression reassuring. "Mr. Hiddleston, we managed to remove the water and slime from Mia's lungs. That was the issue she was having. She will need a few days with oxygen to strengthen her lungs, but we are optimistic she will make a full recovery with no long-term problems".

I nod, grateful for the news. My hands tremble as I hold back tears of relief. "Thank you, Doctor. Thank you".

As I sit there, watching Mia and Lily in their incubators, I can't help but think about the challenges Celestia and I have faced. We have gone through so much, and now, with our beautiful daughters, it feels like everything is finally falling into place.

Just then, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to see Alan's name on the screen. "Hey, Alan". I answer, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Tom". Alan's calm voice comes through the speaker. "How did everything go ? Has she given birth ?"

  "The c-section went okay". I tell him. Still a bit rattled by it all.

He breathes out slowly. "And how are Celestia, Mia and Lily doing?"

"Celestia is fine, she is downstairs". I say. "And Lily is very strong. Mia had a bit of starting trouble, she had swallowed some fluid making it hard to breathe".

"Is she gonna be okay ?" He asks, the genuine care in his voice touching me.

I manage a small smile. "Mia's going to be okay. She just needs some time with oxygen".

"That's great news".  Alan replies, genuine relief in his voice. "Kiss the little princesses and give my best to Celestia."

"I will. And thank you, Alan, for everything," I say, my gratitude evident.

"Of course, Tom. Now, we just have to wait for the jury's verdict. But for now, focus on your family. They need you the most". He says. "I will call you as soon as I hear anything".

I sigh, realizing Alan's right. So I tell him again. "Thank you".

I say my goodbye and hang up, turning back to Mia and Lily, knowing that, regardless of the challenges ahead, I will do whatever it takes to protect and love my family.

Walking over to stand between the two incubators, I carefully slide a hand into each opening, gently touching my twin daughters. I can't help but feel a surge of love and protectiveness for these precious little beings. "Hey there, Mia and Lily". I whisper softly, ensuring I don't disturb them. "Daddy's here, and I love you both so much. You are both so strong, just like your mom".

I stay there for a few more moments, soaking in the sight of my beautiful girls. Then, I reluctantly pull my hands back, knowing I can't stay here forever. "Alright, my little princesses, I have to go check on your mom. But I will be back soon, I promise". I tell them, my voice filled with love and warmth.

With a heavy heart, I leave the NICU, making my way down to Celestia's room. As I walk, I think about our journey and the strength we have found in each other.

I'm lying in the hospital bed, feeling drowsy from the painkillers and the exhaustion of the day. I've been drifting in and out of sleep, my dreams filled with images of my beautiful newborn daughters. I know they were taken to the NICU, but I haven't heard anything about their condition since the C-section.

They had looked okay, I remember that, but the doctor had worried about Mia. Is everything okay ?

My heart races with a mixture of fear and anticipation, and I can't lie here any longer without knowing how they are doing. I glance around the room, feeling a bit disoriented, and realize Tom isn't here either. Where could he be? I wonder if he is still with the girls.

Just as I'm about to press the call button for the nurse, the door to my room opens, and Tom walks in. He looks tired but relieved, and I can see the love in his eyes as he approaches me.

"Tom". I say softly, my voice filled with concern. "How are the girls ? Is everything okay ?"

He smiles, a mixture of warmth and reassurance. "They are doing well, Celestia. Mia had some trouble at first, but the doctors have taken care of it. She just needs some time with oxygen to strengthen her lungs. Lily is strong and healthy".

A wave of relief washes over me, and I feel my eyes well up with tears. "Thank you". I whisper, reaching out to grasp his hand. "Thank you for being there for them, Tom. I was so worried".

"I am sorry I could not come tell you sooner. I wanted to bring you good news". He says, smiling at me. "How are you my love ?"

"I totally get that, why you waited". I say, I prefer having waited to getting worrying news. "And I am okay, tired, sore and groggy, but elseway fine".

Tom squeezes my hand gently. "We are in this together, Celestia. I promise I will always be there for you and our girls. We will get through everything as a family".

As I look into his eyes, I know that he means every word. Together, we have faced so many challenges, and now, with our beautiful daughters, our love and commitment to each other have only grown stronger. I can't wait to hold our little miracles in my arms and cherish every moment as a family.

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