Baby shower

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As Tom parks the car in front of his mom's house, I take a deep breath, feeling both excitement and nervousness in my belly. The twins inside me seem to sense my emotions as they wriggle and kick. Tom reaches over and squeezes my hand reassuringly, and I smile at him, grateful for his support.

Tom helps me out of the car, and we walk hand in hand to the front door. As we step inside, I'm greeted by the warm embrace of Rose, Tom's mom. "We are so happy to have you here, Celestia". She says, her eyes sparkling with joy. Emily, Tom's sister, and Sophie, Ben's wife, come over and hug me too, their smiles wide and genuine.

The aroma of delicious food fills the air, and I can't help but notice the beautifully decorated living room. Baby shower banners and balloons in soft pastel pink colors adorn the walls, making me feel even more special.

Little Flora comes running over, her frilly dress bouncing with every step. "Look, Celestia, I made you a drawing !" she exclaims, proudly holding up a colorful crayon masterpiece.

"Oh, Flora, it's beautiful! Thank you so much". I say, bending down to give her a hug.

Linda, Flora's mom, joins us and smiles warmly. "She's been so excited about the baby shower. She can't wait to meet the babies".

As we chat, Danny, my best friend, approaches with a playful grin. "Hey, Celestia, you do know it is against the rules to have your man say the baby shower, no matter how hot he is, right ?"

I laugh, feeling the warm familiarity of our friendship. "I am sure the same is true for male friends". I reply, giving him a friendly nudge.

"Have to pull the gay card here". He laughs. "Gays are allowed, that is the rule".

A group of friendly faces from the neighborhood, who I know from the garden, gather around me, introducing themselves and sharing their own stories of motherhood. We laugh and chat, effortlessly exchanging advice and heartfelt congratulations.

I feel so grateful and happy that all these wonderful people are here to celebrate the upcoming arrival of my twins. As I look around the room, I know that these are the memories I will cherish forever.

Rose claps her hands together, announcing it's time to open the gifts. Everyone gathers around, eager to see the adorable presents for my twin girls.

Emily hands me the first gift with a grin. "This one's from me". She says. As I unwrap it, I find two matching pink onesies with the words 'Double Trouble' written on them. I laugh and hold them up for everyone to see. "These are perfect, Em. Thank you !"

  Sophie comes forward with her gift next. "I couldn't resist getting something for your little fashionistas, or actually Ben picked them". She teases. Inside the package are two adorable tutu dresses, complete with matching headbands. "Oh, Sophie, these are so cute! I can't wait to dress them up in these".

  Flora shyly hands me a small wrapped box. "This is from me and my mommy". she says. I open it to find two tiny stuffed unicorns. "Thank you, Flora. Our girls will love these". I tell her, touched by her thoughtfulness.

  Danny hands me his gift with a dramatic flourish. "I had to get something fabulous for my favorite mom-to-be". He says, winking. As I unwrap it, I discover a beautiful baby book for each girl, complete with spaces for photos and memories. "Danny, these are wonderful. I will treasure them". I say, giving him a heartfelt hug.

The ladies from the garden present a joint gift: a handmade baby blanket, knitted with love and care. "We all contributed to this". One of them explains. "It's our way of welcoming your girls into our little community".

As I continue to open gifts, laughter and conversation fill the room. I'm showered with clothes, toys, and essentials for the twins, each item reflecting the love and support that surround me. I feel so blessed to have these amazing people in my life, and I can't wait to introduce them to my little girls when they arrive.

As the gift-opening session comes to a close, Tom clears his throat and gets everyone's attention. "I have one last surprise for Celestia". He announces, a twinkle in his eye. The room goes quiet, anticipation filling the air.

Tom disappears for a moment and returns with a large, beautifully wrapped box. He hands it to me with a smile, his eyes filled with love and excitement. "I wanted to give you something special, to show you how much I appreciate the incredible journey we
Are on together".

I carefully unwrap the box, my curiosity piqued. As I lift the lid, I find a stunning hand-painted keepsake box, adorned with delicate flowers and our names intertwined. Inside the box, there's a collection of thoughtful items: a journal for me to record my thoughts and experiences during the pregnancy and as a new mom, a framed ultrasound photo of our twin girls, and a delicate silver necklace with two tiny baby feet pendants.

Tears well up in my eyes as I take in the thoughtfulness of Tom's gift. I turn to him, overwhelmed with emotion, and wrap my arms around him. "This is the most amazing gift, Tom. Thank you so much".

He hugs me back, whispering in my ear, "You are going to be an incredible mother, Celestia. I can't wait to see you with our girls".

Our friends and family in the room break into applause, touched by the heartfelt moment.

It is time for everyone to move on to enjoy the delicious spread of food that Rose has prepared. The aroma of warm, homemade dishes fills the air as we gather around the table, plates piled high with treats. Laughter and lively conversations echo in the room, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Once we have satisfied our appetites, Emily announces that it's time for some baby-inspired games. She has prepared a list of fun activities to entertain us all, starting with 'Guess the Baby Food'.

We gather around as Emily presents us with an assortment of unlabeled jars of baby food, challenging us to identify the flavors. The faces we make as we taste the purees draw bouts of laughter from everyone in the room.

Next up is 'Diaper Olympics'. where we divide into teams and race to see who can put a diaper on a baby doll the fastest.

Tom and Danny face off, their competitive spirits on full display. The room erupts in cheers as Tom narrowly edges out Danny, both of them laughing good-naturedly.

As the afternoon continues, we play other games like 'Baby Bottle Bowling' and 'Baby Word Scramble'. The laughter and camaraderie bring us all closer together, making the day even more memorable.

As the sun sets, our guests begin to say their goodbyes, each of them offering their love and support as they depart. Tom and I stand by the door, hand in hand, our hearts full of gratitude for the wonderful day we've shared with our loved ones.

After everyone has left we say our goodbyes to Tom's mother and pack up the gifts

As we soon after close the door to our home behind us, Tom wraps his arms around me, resting his hand on my belly. "Today was perfect". He murmurs, his eyes sparkling with love. I nod in agreement, feeling incredibly blessed and excited for the journey ahead with our twin girls and the amazing people that surround us.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now