Chapter 51

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"My ears hurt," I whined, glancing at Deren. He moved forward to pick up a suitcase I recognised as Lena's.
"And they're blocked.

"You just got off a three hour plane. Of course they'd be blocked."

I moved forward, inspecting the label on a suitcase dotted with cherries.

"This is Sammy's."

He swatted my hand away as I leaned over the moving carousel to pick up the suitcase. "I'll get it."

He picked it up effortlessly, letting me wheel it over to one of the two trollies left.

Harry, Olly, Dan, and Sam had gone to find a taxi for us, whilst Lena, Belinda, Sammy, and Rahama had gone to pick up brochures to help us know where we were going sightseeing.

Because I was more attentive, and Deren was pretty well built, we were in charge of picking up the luggage.
"I'd say we're doing this really well," I commented, and he nodded.

"Your brains and my muscle are an excellent combo, Sis."

"Well, Bro, I must ask: what muscle?"

I grinned as he swatted me with a newspaper he had bought before getting on the plane. He hadn't left it on the plane, claiming he wanted his money's worth.

"It takes muscle to push your girlfriend against the wall to fuck her," he said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I nodded thoughtfully. "Of course it does. You wouldn't know, though."

He grinned. "I do."

"Have you done it before?" I asked.

"Well, me and Lena's room is next to yours and Harry's. I'll make sure we do it nice and loud so you can hear."

"We'll probably be doing it too loud to hear you, anyway," a voice I recognised as Harry's said, and I spun around to find him standing there, the side of his mouth twisted upwards as he bent down near the carousel to pick up the last suitcase - my suitcase.

"That wasn't meant to be for your ears," Deren grinned, playing it off. I caught how red his cheeks were, though.

"Well my ears heard. Come on, everyone else is in the taxis."

"Taxis?" I thought we were only going with one.

"There's three. They each seat four people. Me, you, Dan, and Olly in one. Sam, Sammy, Lena, and Deren in the other, and Rahama and Belinda get to go alone."

"I see."

I made no effort to try and wheel the carts, knowing Deren would grab one and Harry would grab the other. And they did. I watched them do it and fell into step besides Harry.

"Excited?" Harry asked, glancing at me.


He chuckled. "So am I."

We got to the taxis and I told the boys whose bag was whose, so they knew where to stow them. I got into our taxi, sitting next to Dan. Olly was sat opposite us.

"Hi," I chirped.

"Hi," Olly smiled.

"Hello, precious." Dan stopped fiddling with his phone.

"So guess what?" Dan said, glancing at me.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"I quit my job."

"You did? Why?" I frowned. I had quit when I had taken the apprenticeship, but Dan?

"It won't be the same without you!"

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