Chapter 31

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I didn’t speak to Harry again until the night of his birthday. It was apparent that there was going to be clubbing, and of course Autumn tried to make me go. Tried. I refused to go on the grounds that I was feeling ill. I wasn’t ill, but she fell for it. She was a little angry when she left, but there was nothing I could do.

Sometime before eleven, I figured I’d go pick up the books I’d left at Autumn’s room. I knocked, unsure if she’d be in. She had told me she would be back ‘early’ – but I wasn’t sure what ‘early’ was by her standards. Just as I was about to give up, I saw her and Harry walking down the corridor. I breathed in slowly and watched them, his hand wrapped around her waist as she held her key in her hand.

“Oh, hi Brenna.” She said, her words slurring together. “I knew you’d be here. Studying and all. Have my keys, me and Harry are going to his dorm!”

She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively and I put on a stiff smile. “Oh.”

Harry averted his eyes and I scoffed. The pussy. “Well… I was going to pick up a book I left in your room, but I’ll get it tomorrow. I should be going to sleep.”

“Why? It’s only eleven?” Harry interjected, and I breathed in slowly.

“I have work tomorrow.” I answered, my voice clipped.

Autumn smiled sympathetically and I nodded slightly at her, and she shrugged and turned to Harry.

“Shall we go, then?” She asked, and a smirk graced his lips.

“Finally.” She started to walk away with Harry, and with each step they took, my heart broke a little more.


The next morning, I was just about to leave for work when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and frowned in surprise when I saw Autumn standing in front of me, her blonde hair in a really messy side bun, her lipstick fading. She handed my book to me moodily, and I took it.

“What’s wrong?” I asked curiously, wondering if she was mad at me.

“He refused to kiss me. Kept turning his head away.” She said, her voice cold.

Oh. Harry. “Oh dear…”

“Then, he moaned your name.”

I stopped in mid-action, my fingers still wrapped around the book. “He - he what?”

She gave me a bitter smile, her eyes betraying her as they watered slightly. “Yep. Just as he let loose, your name came out of his mouth. I don’t know what you’ve done to him, but he’s infatuated with you.”

With that, she turned on her heel and left. I was in a daze as I set off for work.


“Moaned your name?” Dan laughed, serving coffee to the young couple who were here.

“Apparently so,” I blushed, pouring the iced coffee into a plastic cup and handing it to the girl from our school, who was extremely hung over. Wild night at Harry’s party, then.

“Well. It’s evident he likes you.” Dan commented, leaning over to heat up the coffee maker. I served the hot chocolate to the boy from our school, who took it without as much as a ‘thank you’. I scowled at his behind, before turning to Dan.

He had a knowing smirk on his face as he wiped his hands on his apron. “You guys have such sexual tension in the air… I think you should become like, friends with benefits.”

“Erm. I don’t think so.” I rolled my eyes, securing my hair in a ponytail.

Dan’s eyes wandered around the shop, and his eyes fell on the door. “Speaking of your friend with benefit, here he comes.”

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