Chapter 21

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I was awoken by Harry pacing around the room. I sat up.

"You're awake," he said, coming to a stop.

"I am," I confirmed, standing up and checking the time. It was seven. Way too early for my likings.

"You should be getting back to your own dorm," he muttered, checking his own phone.

"I'm going," I nodded. He looked at me and I smiled at him. He didn't return it though, he didn't look bothered. He seemed nervous, almost.

He opened the door and stood by it, tapping his foot impatiently. I frowned. "Is there somewhere you have to be?" I asked.

"In my bed, sleeping."

"Then why'd you wake up?" I asked, frowning. I remembered how he had agreed to cuddle; he hadn't hesitated.

"So I could make sure you got out before people thought you were doing the Walk of Shame."

I couldn't tell if he was being mean or nice, so I nodded. "Er. Thank you?"

He nodded.

"See you in history or whenever?"

"Probably not. I'm busy packing and stuff."

I frowned again. "Is everything okay? You're being distant again..."

"Distant? I'm not distant. Just go." He muttered, waving his arm to send me off, like I was a dog of some sort.

I shook my head, but I obliged, turning around to walk off. He was right, I didn't want to be seen walking out of Harry Styles' room wearing an article of his clothing in the morning - it would seem incredibly wrong. I took my laptop case with the money it in and walked out. I had taken two steps when Harry calling my name stopped me. I turned to face him and he breathed out slowly.

"What?" I asked, watching him lean against the door casually.

"Last night?" He asked.


"It never happened," he stated casually, running his tongue over his chapped lips.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my heart speeding up slightly.

"Our conversation, and our spooning, cuddling, whatever? Never happened."

Just as I was about to protest he stepped inside his room and closed his door. The bloody cheek. He had spent most of the night calming me down and now he was saying it hadn't happened?! I hated him. Every single feeling I had felt for him was slipping away, and I felt my blood boiling. I turned around and stormed off to my dorm, stepping into the shower straight away.

I decided I would ignore Harry. Him and Olly would be gone tomorrow, so I could have two weeks of peace without them. I washed my teeth and got dressed, still thinking about how badly I wanted to take his head and shove it so far up his ass he'd be coughing his teeth out for weeks. The thought made me smile as I sat down to do some coursework.



I slowed down, and Autumn glanced at me curiously. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," I breathed out. "Just a little ill."

"You aren't listening to me," she muttered, as we walked down to her art class. I had finished my lessons for the day, but she hadn't, so I was walking her to class.

I expected to see Harry stood there, probably with Alina, but he wasn't there. Alina was, though, and that made me feel slightly better. "I'm gonna go lay down," I said, watching Alina look at us. "Sorry for ignoring you - I'm not doing it on purpose, I swear."

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