20- Swam In a Public Pool / Had Sex

Start from the beginning


"Hear me out. You're stupid in a way that I like. It's more of oblivious, and innocent. You don't know how to do a lot of things because you've never done them before. And I love that. I love how innocent you are. It makes me feel needed, and men like to feel needed." He states.


"We just kind of do. Not only that, I love your little nose, and your aqua-colored eyes fuck me up every time our eyes meet, I love your perfect lips, your perfect smile, your long black hair, and your knock-out body. I love every single little thing about you. So don't you ever worry about me finding someone else because that's impossible."

He wipes a stray tear out of the corner of my eyes and pulls me into his arms.

"Come on, let's go to the pool before the fireworks start."




We got a worker to take a few pictures of us in the pool, like a photo shoot. My favorite was of him standing, my legs wrapped around his waist, his head on my shoulder, facing out towards the camera, his eyes closed, me having one arm dropped, the other wrapped around his neck, my hand in his hair.

In the background, the Disney castle stood tall,  fireworks perfectly bursting.

I posted it everywhere when we got back to our hotel. He posted a different one of a similar position, but we were kissing in that one.

We were now sitting on our balcony, me wrapped in a fuzzy robe, him in sweats, showcasing his perfectly muscular chest and abdomen.

"You're really hot," I state, taking a sip of my tea after. He smirks, a happy glint on his face.

"I can say the same about you." He replies.

"You can't even see me right now."

He reaches out to the drawstring of my robe, grabs it, but stops, and looks up at me for permission. I smile and raise an eyebrow, challenging him. He pulls it to reveal the black and aqua-colored lingerie set I'd gotten for this moment.

His eyes widen, and I note how his breathing increases.

"Uh.. woah." He murmurs to himself as I stand. I shake off the robe and sit on his lap. "Ally." He whispers, and I feel something on my thigh.

"Can you get you're wallet out of your pocket? It'll ruin the moment."

"That isn't my wallet." He squeaks.


I laughed once. "Parker, I'm going to be blunt here... I'm falling in love with you. Quick, and hard. That didn't sound right... Anyway, I know what I want. I want you. I trust you." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks, his eyes still widened.

"Yes. I trust you, and that you're not going to hurt me too much." I whisper. He nods.

"Ally, just to get this clear, you're not the only one falling."

And with that, he kisses me, and from that kiss, becomes so much more.

"Happy birthday, Parker."


I wake the next morning, a smile on my face, the smell of food filling my senses.

A sore feeling is between my legs, and I blush as I remember the previous night.

I pull the blanket around me and inspect the room. Some things were knocked on the floor, and feathers litter randomly around. My hair was slightly damp.

Somehow we managed to go from the bed to the shower, back to the bed. Beside me are a nicely folded bra, underwear, crop top, leggings, a pair of socks, and my Converse. I change while still sitting.

Laziness has perks.

When I finally stand, I practically collapse.

"Ow." I hiss. I hear footsteps approach.

"Are you okay?" Parker asks me, kneeling. I blush.

"I can barely walk," I tell him, my blush increasing.

"That's an ego and confidence booster." He mutters, smiling as he helps me stand and puts an arm around my waist to keep me up.

"Shut up," I reply. "I can't walk because of Parker Junior over here."

"Yeah maybe so, but Ally Junior wasn't exactly complaining last night." He states, a huge smile on his face. "I remember something along the lines of: 'harder baby.. yeah, right there. Fuck you're good at th-'"

I slap a hand over his mouth.

"Stop," I command. He nods, still smiling.

"This." He finishes his sentence, blurting it out as if he can't help it. I shake my head, sighing, grimacing in pain as he sets me down on a chair. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I question as he sets a plate of food in front of me. "Thank you," I murmur, picking up my fork.

"For hurting you." He says, sitting and looking at his plate. I reach over and lift his chin. He meets my gaze. Guilt shows in his expression.

"I asked for you to go harder. Be proud, Parker." I tell him, blushing and smiling. He laughs once takes my hand from his face and intertwines our fingers.

"You were amazing last night." He tells me and kisses my hand softly.

"I can definitely say the same," I reply with a cheeky smile. His smile lifts even more.

"You're cute." He states randomly.

"Parker, shut up."


1. Miss Jordan yet?

2. Want more random tripping on sidewalks?

3. Should we get Jordan a friend, like another baby duck? Maybe a love interest?

Till next time!



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