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Lauren's POV

"Ms. McBonny, you're free to go."

I look up from where I've been sitting in the corner of the holding cell, my face wet with tears. The same officer who arrested me is standing with the cell door open, looking at me. I slowly stand up, confused but taking the chance to leave.

As soon as I step out into the front, I see Aaron standing waiting for me. He immediately pulls me into a giant hug.

"Thank you." I say into his shoulder. He tightens his grip. I collect my things that were taken away from me and get into Aaron's car.

"Aaron, you know I didn't do it, right?" I ask. He's silent. "Aaron?"

He turns to me. "I know you didn't, baby, but...... why did you have that shard of glass covered in blood?"

I hesitate before I answer, debating on weather or not to tell him about the threats and everything that has been happening since that night at the cabin.

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?" He looks at me with wide eyes. "No not anything like that!" I say quickly. I hesitate and tell him everything that has happened since that night including the threatening notes, dreams and texts. He's silent the whole time.

Aaron's POV

I'm at home when I get a call from the police station saying that Lauren has been arrested. Ugh. What has she done? I think. Oh crap... she can't be arrested! What if she remembers the rest of that night?! She's surrounded by police officers and we will for sure get caught! Oh Lauren.....

I think all this while I drive quickly to the police station. I bail her out and a policeman escorts her out to me. I pull her into a hug so she won't see my eyes rolling. The policeman said they found a shard of glass covered in Dr. Wilson's blood buried in her backyard. It must have been the threat Sarah placed that day. Oh Lauren, why did you bury it? Stupid girl. I think as I roll my eyes again.

"Thank you." She says into my shoulder. I stay silent and tighten my grip on her so she won't turn around and look at me yet. She collects her things and gets in my car.

"Aaron, you know I didn't do it, right?" She asks. I'm silent, deep in thought. "Aaron?"

I turn to her. "I know you didn't, baby," I force out the word "but...... why did you have that shard of glass covered in blood?" I ask innocently as if I didn't know already.

She hesitates. "If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?" She asks. I look at her, as if she's about to confess to me that she killed someone.

"No not anything like that!" She says quickly. She hesitates again and then tells me everything that has happened to her since the night meg was killed. Everything Sarah and I did.

Lauren's POV

Aaron says nothing until we pull into my driveway.

"You don't believe me do you?" I say, staring at him staring ahead.

"Of course I believe you but....."

"But what?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Nothing. I love you Lauren and I'll protect you, ok?" He says. I smile slightly.

"Ok." I whisper and lean over to kiss him. "I love you too."

I get out and walk up to my front door as Aaron speeds off. I frown and walk in the house. My mother is waiting for me on the couch and looks up at me when I walk in. Oh great. I think. This should be fun.

But instead of yelling at me or punishing me, she pulls me into a big hug.

*a little later*

I'm laying down on my bed when I hear my phone buzz across on my desk. I roll over off my bed and pick it up, expecting it to be Sarah or Aaron checking up on me. I was wrong.

You shouldn't have done that. I thought my warnings were clear on what would happen if you told anyone.

Watch your back.

I drop my phone, run to the bathroom and throw up.

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