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Lauren's POV

I wake up, and for a second, everything is ok.

Then the reality sets in. One of my best friends is dead, and I could have stopped it. She was murdered, And I can't remember anything. I was at the cabin all night, so why can't I remember anything?!

With a shaky hand I pick up my phone. I have 1 new text from Sarah.

Call me now.

I take a shaky, deep breath and dial her number. She answers immediately.

"Lauren, what's going on?? Do you remember anything??" She asks frantically. She sounds like she's been crying

"No I d-don't remember anything." I answer. I don't know what else to say.

"She's dead, laur. She's dead. I can't....." She trails off. Just then, my mom yells my name.

"Sorry Sarah, I gotta go. I'm so sorry this happened."

I hang up and walk down the stairs with shaky legs.

"Honey, detective Robin wants you to go down to the station for questioning." My mom says as I walk into the kitchen.

"W-what? How insensitive is this person? My best friend...." I can't finish the sentence. "Didn't you tall him I have no memory of that night?"

"I told him but he says he wants both you and Sarah to go anyways." She says.

I sigh as I sit down at the kitchen table. Talking all about my dead friend? This is gonna be a long day. I think to myself, feeling my vision go blurry as tears fill my eyes again.


Lauren's POV

We arrived at the police station and Detective Robin was waiting for us. Sarah was already there, but her face says it's almost too much for her to handle. It's almost too much for me, but I know I have to be strong for Sarah. This just happened and they expect us to come in and talk about it?

Detective Robin called us into his office. It was simple; three chairs, a desk, a window and lots of papers scattered over the desk.

"Would either of you like some water?" He asks.

"No thanks." I whisper, not able to speak up yet. I can't already feel my throat closing up. Sarah just shakes her head no.

"Ok well let's get started. I was told that you both have no memory of that night, correct?" He starts. We both nod.

He continues to ask us many questions about before and after the "incident", and we were ok until he started to ask more specific questions.

"Do you know if anyone would have any motive to commit this murder?" He uses the word like he's using any casual word to describe the weather. Sarah let's out a whimper so I decide to answer for both of us.

"Not really. Everyone loves.... loved her. She was kind, loving and friends with everyone." My voice breaks at the end. The detective scribbles something down on his notepad.

"Any relationships that ended badly? Any crazy ex-boyfriends?" He asks. I shoot a look at Sarah.

"Well...... her latest ex-boyfriend... they didn't end on good terms. They had a big fight because she thought he was cheating on her. He got really mad and... he hit her. He immediately apologized but she screamed at him and stormed off. He always had a big temper. She started to date this other guy so maybe he got mad again." Sarah says. I'm surprised to hear her talk.

While I'm talking he continuously scribbles frantically on his notepad.

"Thank you this has been very helpful. One last question... what is this ex-boyfriends name?" He asks as we stand up to leave.

"Kyle Lanner" I say before stepping out of the room, into my car and crying my eyes out again.

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