Chapter 52. Monster

Start from the beginning

"Why are you suddenly asking me?" He glanced at me with a weird look on his face.

"Well, I don't know, so I can be myself again?" I unsurely answered.

"Why do you have to know? If you wanna be yourself then just do it, you don't have to know what you're like back then. The current you is what you are." Jeff mumbled.

"That makes sense . . ." I guess he's right, as always. The me now is who I am, I don't need to copy my old self. God, I want my memories back so much. They said I was strict, overly-serious and kinds mean back then but honestly, that's like the total opposite of the current me. Maybe I was lifeless because of my past memories, maybe I was deeply scarred when my family passed away? I have no idea why I was the mean and serious type, I'd hate myself if I turn into one again.

Out of the blue, a snowball came in contact with my head. I shivered as the snow got into my jacket. I snapped my head at Jeff to see that he was making another ball of snow, "Jeff, don't you dare!" I warned.

A smirk formed on his lips, "Why're you looking so glum and depressed?" He said and threw the snowball at me again.

Luckily, I dodged it, "I'm not, I'm just thinking about some things!" I retorted as I removed the snow from my jacket.

He scooped another pile of snow and rolled it on his hands, "Then stop thinking." He grinned and threw it at me, it directly hit my face.

"You jerk!" I laughed as I wiped it off, I picked a handful of snow and threw it on him with a devious grin, "Take that!" I yelled as it hit his face.

Soon enough, a full-on snowball fight erupted between us. But Jeff is faster so he bombarded me with snow, I took off running away from him in a fit of laughter. I glanced behind me, only to see that Jeff is chasing me with a smirk on his face. It took him no effort to reach me and grabbed my waist to stop me from running, he's fast!

"I give up! I surrender!" I laughed as I tried to get away from him.

"Loser." Jeff gave a laugh. Suddenly, Jeff released his grip on me at the same time I jerked away from him, it caused me to fall on the snow flat on my face, "Wow, you are a moron." Jeff spoke in wonderment as he helped me up.

"Thanks, I try to be." I sarcastically said as I stood up and shake the snow off, "Let's go back." I murmured as I shivered in the cold. We were only out for maybe less than half an hour but it was freezing!

Jeff nodded with a satisfied smile playing on his lips. We started walking back home in silence. Honestly, I had fun even if it was just for a short while. There's something familiar about Jeff, I just can't tell what.

And . . . I think I like him.

Scratch that, I know I like him. It could even be something more than that, maybe . . . I don't know. He's really nice, you can't tell because he has such a rude mouth but . . . He is. Things are better ever since he stayed home more often, it was fun around him. We get along . . . sort of, let's just say I'd rather have thousands of arguments with him than not having him anywhere near me, that's how I feel.

I blushed at my own thoughts as I glanced at Jeff, "Hey, thanks for cheering me up." I mumbled.

"I-I didn't do it to cheer you up." He averted his gaze.

"Sure you didn't . . ." I sarcastically said in a singsong voice, "You know, you can be honest just for once." I grinned.

"Shut up." He retorted.

I smiled knowingly to myself as we reached the house, I unlocked the door went inside with Jeff and made sure to lock the back door. I made my way upstairs to the room, I need to change into warm clothes. I flicked the lights on and grabbed my PJ's before heading to the bathroom. I locked the door and got changed, I even blow-dried my hair because of the snow clinging on it.

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