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(A.U: Warning this chapter contains triggering material. Please vote and comment, thank you)

Your pregnant, it keeps bouncing around in my head. Pregnant. Your pregnant with that rapists baby. Your about six weeks pregnant, I did the math on my own I don't need a ultrasound to tell me the night I was raped. I'm empty, besides the rape baby inside of my stomach, but isn't this the opposite result from being with child. Shouldn't I be putting weight on feeling a little blip in my stomach. I feel nothing just sick.

I reach for my phone to look up my options when I remember I left it there. I will have to go back and face the music hopefully I can get this taken care of quickly and quietly as well. I walk in and go straight to the front desk. I explain what happened saying I received some unfortunate news and accidentally left my cell phone behind. She give me a small sad smile and hands me my broken phone from behind the counter.

" I wasn't sure how to reach you, you didn't put an emergency contact down. So we were just going to hold on to in until you returned. "

She explained sweetly

"Thank you I'm sorry to have bothered you."

I know that they are ready to go to lunch for the day, I think the door said she should have already left.

"Miss, the Doctor Is still in if you would like to speak with him I can fetch him."

I think about it chewing on the inside of my cheek, concluding that I should just to know my options.

"Please, could you?"

I ask nervously,

" of course one moment dear."

The Doctor pulls me in to his office and asks me if I would like some water, I accept. When he walks back into his office with water he has my chart.

"Okay, so I assume you were not aware of the pregnancy?"
He asks while flipping through the results to all my tests. He continues with the same question from earlier.

"Do you know approximately When you could have conceived?"

I look down to my shoes studying the laces, I bite my cheek so hard that the blood won't stop pouring in to my mouth. Which makes me afraid to speak for some reason. I nod my head indicating that yes I do and reach for my glass of clear liquid. I consciously swish the water around in my mouth before swallowing.

"Is everything okay Miss Tomas,"

My face must be a canvas of emotions right now all negative.
" the date of conception is six weeks ago June seventh. I need to know my options."

"Oh are you sure about the date? And about options I do not perform abortions here and your not healthy enough to carry with out seeking the right medical attention."

"Yes it's hard to forget an experience like the one resulting in this, wouldn't you think sir. And I do not want to carry his baby. So do you know a place that will preform a abortion?"

"I am a health professional do you need to talk about something, there is complete doctor patient confidentiality in this office."

I contemplate telling him but I chose to keep it to myself.

"There is nothing to talk about, thank you for your time I have to be going now."

I don't give him time to stop me, before standing and leaving the practice. I don't need his opinion if he can not help me in the way that I need. Thank god I can still use my phone because I can't afford to need to by a new one. I locate the nearest abortion clinic not wanting to waste any time. The only place that will perform a medical abortion here is all the way on the other side of town. I won't make it back to where my car is parked and to the office before It closes. I call and make an appointment, the closest one available isn't until next week. I try and say it's urgent but there's supposably nothing the receptionist can do.

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