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" Harry what are you doing here?"
I'm confused and flat out shocked and I know it comes out in my question. He's here like actually here standing in front of me looking in to my eyes. 

" Harlow, what's wrong ?what happened? Why are you here?"
He is concerned I know how he meant that last question I look like a utter fucking mess, I'm screaming and in hysterics on the side of a mountain at five in the morning. I can't answer him though it's as if my mind is stuck on a one way railroad.

" Harry how...? Why? When did you get here?"
"Calm down " he chuckles lightly at my stammering.
" I came in yesterday staying with some family. I could say it was just to visit but when I was offered the opportunity to come back I jumped . I miss you so much, I never forgot you Harlow. " I'm dumbfounded by his confession. The truth is, although I've tried everything possible to forget him. I mean I can't remember most of my junior year I never could. He mane a lasting impression on my life.
"I tried finding you yesterday, went to you house even knocked on the door. I came here went to the parks in town. Truth is I really didn't know where to look anymore. I'm so sorry about that Low I really am. "
I'm not crying anymore I'm just standing here in shock looking up at Harry. Who has become very close to me standing a inch away from me. So close I can't think.
"Now Harlow tell me what's wrong? Is it why I couldn't find you. Please tell me what going on? I know you don't owe me anything. I hate to see you like this." I find my words but the anger is back admitting I have know right to be mad at him. I am though.
"You were there!" I yell and he looks discombobulated and looks at me like I've gone mental in the years since we've spoke. Right now I wouldn't disagree.
" I was were Harlow,"
"Las night you were there I knew I saw you."
I'm no longer yelling at him and the anger is dissipating, I'm back to the hollow emptiness that I have sub come to.
"You were at that sleaze ball party? I didn't see you. Wait you saw me why didn't you say something? Did something happen? "

   I wasn't going to tell him, I really didn't think it was any of his business anymore. Nevertheless I have spilled my guts, because it's Harry he was that person long ago that I could hide anything from. He still has a hold on me and even though I didn't want him to know what kind of person I became without him I could not shit my mouth it was like word vomit. We are now laying in the flowers, and I've come to las night. We've been comparing lives laughing and reminiscing on everything we've been through. But I'm at the part in my story were I should tell him about las night. I don't know why but I freeze I can't bear to tell him what happened in that house while he was just in the other room. I can't take the embarrassment the judgment the pity. I know that sounds like a contradiction and honestly I fought Harry would judge me at all and he would tell me I have nothing to be embarrassed about that it wasn't my fault. It's not true I should have been alert I shouldn't have drank so much.
"Low, where did you go" I must have zoned out I realize I'm sitting now looking out on the water. Tears have found there way to my cheeks again. I feel Harry's hand on mine.
" hey hey don't cry I'm here tell me what's going on." He says as he sits up to look at my face. He runs his thumbs under my eyes trying to rid me of the sadness. Even sitting he is significantly taller than I am so I rest my head on his shoulder and angel my face so we're looking in each other's eyes. I'm trying to tell him this way so I don't have to say it out loud. I feel like if I don't say anything I can maybe forget that it happened or that it was in my head. Harry's eyes have always been so enticing there the best color green I have ever seen. His eyes make you want to melt. Along with the fact that he himself is mesmeric truly. His wild curly hair is still long and out of control. And his smile, have you heard the saying ' pantie dropping smile' well his is better and the dimples are to dye for. I'm in my head again and Harry senses it.

"Earth to Harlow, come on where are you, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"   Harry just told me I was beautiful that brings me back to earth. I choke on my spit a little bit which makes Harry chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me, " I act mad but really if it were someone else I would have laughed myself.

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