I am.

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       It took me three nights and two day to make the drive. I guess you could say I wasn't in a huge rush, although maybe I should have been.i had to make frequent stops to be sick and often times I'd just had enough. I have some type of stomach bug and it's really dragging me down, I'm even down at least fifteen pounds. Most girls would love it but I was comfortable with my weight. I'm not as self conscious as you would think not on my otter appearance just the inside, the twisted up mess I am on the inside.

I pier through the door of my new dorm, roommate already all moved in. She has a pink and black bed spread, posters and pictures in a collage covering her whole wall. She has about four extra pillows on her bed trying to add some comfort to the twin sized bed. She already has her books on the little desk in her corner with a book bad hanging over the chair along with a fuzzy pink and turquoise boa wrapped along the top. I see all of this but no actual human, that I'm happy about. I stride in and place my things on my bed. I did not bring a bed set so I'll have to go buy one in the morning and some pillows. Now it's late and I think I could sleep in the streets. I fall into the bed with out removing anything. I pull my phone from my back pocket and inform Harry of my safe arrival, but fall asleep before I receive is response.

   I've always been an early riser, so it's no supersize that I wake up with the sun today. My roommate is sleep in her very pink very comfortable looking bed. Her hair is blonde to the point of almost white and it looks pin straight, sprawled across her black pillows. I choose not to wake her and slip out of the room. On the hunt of a coffee house, I walk out of the building that I now reside and the wind catches my breath. I pull my phone out seeing four texts and three calls two missed the last one answered. I do not remember talking to Harry last night at all so I'm about surprised. I send him a quick text curious to what was said.
'Hey Harry, I have absolutely  know recollection of speaking with you last night. I hope I didn't embarrass myself.'

   Harry doesn't respond right away but it's also six am. I lock my phone and place it in my pocket and continue my search, pulling my sweatshirt tighter around my body.

Durham is a pretty big city, the buildings and the lights it's quite breath taking coming from coos bay. After walking some ways I see a warm and inviting coffee bistro incidentally called Coffee Bistro. After placing  my order I find a spot in the back of the room to enjoy my warm coffee and blueberry muffin. When I hear the chirp of my phone.

'Good morning sleepy, I hope you are well rested you must have been out cold last night. Also I've been meaning to ask you something'


'Low you've been really tired lately, that and the vomiting along with the weight loss. Harlow are you okay?'

   Harry's right I have been frequently tired often needing to stop and nap also finding myself falling asleep much earlier than normal. I really wasn't worried about it but when you look at everything together. It wouldn't hurt to get a check up.

'Your right Harry , I haven't put much thought in to it but I'll look into a clinic I can get a check up. I believe they have one on campus.'

'Just looking out for you Low, I know you won't. Also to ease your mind about embarrassment Kate your roommate answered your phone. She claimed that it just would shut up and she was trying to sleep.'

   Oh okay well that answers the question as to why I don't recall the phone call and why my phone wasn't in my pocket when I woke.

'Oh, how is she I haven't met her yet.'
'How? Did you skip out this morning ? Go home and inner fuse your self Harlow. Make some friends, we will need friends there right. And also go to the clinic please. You need to last until I can come take care of you.'

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