Chapter 32: Woods

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This chapter will be quite short I'm sorry!

Happy Reading!

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Once I thought I was in a deep sleep I was abruptly awoke by the smallest of sounds, something that sounded like the scattering of a pebble across gravel.

I sat upright and moved my way swiftly between my Dad's arms and got up, stretching slightly and looking at everyone sleeping on the floor.

I glanced and saw Judith sleeping in Rick's arms and Michonne next to him, I smiled as my gaze trailed to Maggie holding her tummy as she slept, and Carol and Sasha either side of her, I looked at my Dad who's position had shifted since I'd moved and then at Jace in the corner, his black hoodie over his face.

But then, someone was missing, Carl?

I looked around for a moment and then realised the noise that woke me was the flapping of a ceiling trap door, i tilter my head as I glanced at it.

I used the treadmill to climb up and threw the trapdoor, I stood up as the night breeze made me shiver, I hugged my arms and looks left and right from the top of the building. I couldn't see anyone.

"Carl?!" I whispered/yelled into the street and forest, hoping he'd heard me. I sighed angrily before checking I had my knife in my holster.

I swung my legs over the side of the building and dropped down onto the concrete below with an deep grunt.

I steadied myself before looking around quickly incase there where any walkers around.

"Carl!?" I called out again a little louder and started walking into the woods.

The light grew dimmer as the trees blocked out the moonlight and I began to get a little scared, I mean, I've never been this deep into a woods before, on my own, with the dead walking.

The leaves crunched under my feet and the wind whistled threw the trees, I thought about calling out for Carl again but what was the point, It was so windy...

Like really windy.

I turned around and to my own shock I saw a walker, that's footsteps and groans had been drowned out by the wind. I let out a small squeal of shock before pushing it backwards violently, so it moved back a little bit.

I reached for my knife but the walker got to close and caused me to push it again so the knife dropped onto the floor.

"Dammit!" I said loudly, as I was pinned up against the tree, the walker coming straight at me.

That was until a knife pierced threw the walkers head from behind, the tip of the blade almost touching my nose.

As the walker fell to the floor, Carl's body appeared behind it, he put his knife in his holster and looked at me.

"You okay?" he said, fixing his hat.

"You could of killed me." I said, shoving past him.

"Excuse me? I just saved you." He said, a laughing sarcastic tone in his voice.

I kept walking the way we came but then stopped and turned back towards him.

"Okay... your right I'm sorry, but why were you out here?" I said, reaching up and touching my face, realising it was bleeding slightly.

"Sorry, I caught your cheek with my blade," he said, "and I er... I just like being out in the night really..."

I wiped my cheek with my sleeve and then tilted my head, "Okay?"

"You wouldn't understand." He said, starting to walk back, as I followed.

It was quiet mainly, just me following Carl until he started talking again.

"You came after me?" Carl said, with a half-smirk on her face.

"Well, I'm not just going to let you die, Your Dad would've hated me." I said, I did care about Carl, of course I did. We have history.

"Sure..." He said, licking his teeth and walking as we approached the gym again, "Here I'll boost you up."

He locked his hands together as I put my foot between them, He lifted me up slightly as I tried to grab the rooftop but I missed and lent backwards, I swung my arms infront of me as someone catch them and pulled me up onto the roof. Jace.

"Careful, sunshine." He said with a smile as I steadied myself on the roof.

"Thanks..." I replied, a little uncertain of my emotions towards him.

We were interrupted by Carl climbing up onto the roof and standing between us.

"We got it." Carl said, an angry tone in his voice.

"Did look like it to me," Jace said, with a smirk, "What where you too doing out there ?"

"We um-' I began, but then didn't know what to say.

Carl just starred at Jace, Jace was taller and older, only by a few inches and years, but that didn't bother Carl, stubborn asshole.

"You two weren't like..." Jace raised his eyebrows, and then folded his arms.

I tilted my head in confusion and then my eyes widen and I started shaking my head, appalled at what he was hinting.

"No-No-No, Carl just left so I went to go find him-" I started saying.

Carl just fixed his hat on his head and then jumped down the trapdoor back into the gym.

"Your bleeding." Said Jace, looking at me.

"Oh yeah, It was an accident, Carl cut me.." I said wiping it again with my sleeve.

Jace rolled his eyes, but smirked as he did so, I don't know what was wrong with these two, but they both had their cockiness in common.

Jace jumped threw the trap door and off the treadmill careful not to wake anyone, and as I came threw he grabbed my waist and lowered me down gently. As he did so I saw Carl's face screw up out the corner of my eye, I sighed and went back over to my Dad, who was sleeping still.

Once we'd all got back into our sleeping positions without waking anyone, I glanced at Carl putting his hat on his face as he lay with his back on the floor and then at Jace who sat in the corner starring out the window while he fiddled with the string on his hoodie-jacket, I sighed.

If only Jesus were here to tell me which one I should slap first.

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Hope you liked this chapter...
Stay tuned for the next one where the group decide to move back to the RV in which they'll find somewhere to inhabit permanently.

-Amy x

Word count: 1105

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