Chapter 11: Nine Hours

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This is a shorter one guys...

Happy Reading!

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Nine hours.

Twelve minutes.

Just gone 53 seconds.

That's how long ago my Dad was taken from me.

Taken by Negan.

I haven't moved, just sat in my room, under the blanket, sobbing. Why wasn't anybody doing anything? Going after him? Maybe even trying to kill Negan? I thought they where going to kill him anyway?

My pillow was wet from where the hot tears had soaked in the material, but it didn't care, nor did I try to move, just lay still, crying on my own.

Nine hours.

Fourteen minutes.

Just gone eleven seconds.

Knock Knock

I can hear someone knocking on the door, I don't know who it is and I don't care. Multiple people have come to see me, checking if i'm okay, i reply the same every time.

I'll be fine when someone does something.

The knocking continues, they're not going away.

"What?" i cried out, not taking under consideration its around one 1am, "Please, Go away!"

The knocking continues, louder.

"Fine, come in," i yelled angrily, the door slowly opens to reveal one of the people I didn't mind talking too, Carl.

He had his hands in his pockets and strolled over towards my bed and took a seat at the end after he closed the door. I knew he didn't know what to say, I could tell by his expression.

"We'll get him back" he told me surprisingly, I looked back at him as if he wore stupid, "We've done it before we'll do it again"

I tucked my head back under the covers trying to drown out his stupidity, I know we'll never get him back.

"Mal, listen" he began edging up the bed slightly, i listened out reluctantly, "Last time Daryl was there, he was prisoner, a victum..." he paused, "now he's one of them, a saviour, a solider, i've been their Mal... i was stupid enough to think i could take them on my own... the point is... the saviours have it good, it's the workers and prisoners that don't..."

I felt a slight weight be lifted of my shoulder, at least I knew he wouldn't have to suffer anymore physical pain.

I kept my head burried under the dovet. Listening to Carl carefully pick the edges of his hat, like he usually does when he's nervous.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you," he spoke, getting up and walking over to the door, "Goodnight"

"No!" I called quietly, stopping him in his tracks under the doorframe, "Please.... stay here tonight..." I confessed, admitting I didn't want to be alone. Again.

Carl approached the bed as i moved over allowed him to lie down on it, he pulled the covers over us both and glanced at me.

"You try and sleep, okay?" he told me, shutting his eyes, "You need rest"

I forced my eyes shut and tried to sleep... nothing.

Everything felt gloomy, wrong, i longed to have my Dad's strong arms around me, all i wanted was to breath in his fresh smell, here him swearing in the kitchen because he'd dropped something. He was always clumsy.

I was so focused picturing my Dad I didn't notice the multiple tears dripping down my face. Carl looked at my sympathetically.

"Come here," he said, lifting his arm up and putting it round the back of my neck, comforting me, i wiggled my head onto his chest and sobbed. I missed him, I missed him so much.

"I feel like.." i began in a quiet stutter, "The world wants me to be alone"

Carl's breath was warm on my head, which was relaxing in a way.

"You've got us now," Carl whispered sleepily, "You've got Rick, Me, Maggie, Tara, Carol, Jesus, Rosita, Eugene, Father Gabriel, Michonne, Sasha... your Dad"

I sighed when he said that...

"Because he's going to return Mal, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in the next week, but he's going to return" Carl spoke to me quietly.

I could hear in his voice he was tired so I decided to try and sleep myself, Carl was such a good friend, I missed having someone around my age to talk to, It was nice.

And with bad thoughts, red eyes and a sniffly nose, i drifted of to sleep.

• • •


Okay so yeah, that was one quite short and boring but... it had to be written... Malia and Carl's friendship has now grown stronger since when they first met, even considering the circumstances Malia knows Carl only wants to help her and allows him to in her time of need.

Stay tune for the nest episode where Malia tries to forget her Dad for a second, she know's he's probably living a more healthier life at Negan's head quarters, now he's become a solider... and Malia goes on her first supply run with other members of the group...

Word Count: 827

Love Amy x

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