Chapter 12: Scavenging

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Sorry it's been a while! The picture is of Rick and Michonne driving the truck later on in the story!

Happy Reading!

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I woke quickly to the sound of knocking on the front door, I raise my head up in confusion, as Carl had gone. But i shrugged it off.

I threw my legs over the side of the bed and trailed downstairs in my pyjamas taking a look at the calender:

Saturday 23rd November 2017

I sighed... it was my birthday next Friday... I wasn't excited, 16 was always going to be the big year for me... all my friends where going to come round and we were going to dance the night away. Amy, Jena, Cassie and I.

I laughed at the thought before being interrupted by the knocking again. I strolled over to the door and opened it seeing Rick.

"Hi," i answered sleepily, rubbing my eyes with one hand, "can I help you?"

He shuffled on the spot and asked me;

"We needs more hands to come with us collecting supplies... can you?" He asked, a small group of people behind him, Jesus, Michonne and Carl.

I nodded sleepily, then stepped outside before realising i was in my pyjamas and stepped back inside, "give me a second"

I headed upstairs before changing into my grey wooly jumper and burgundy body warmer along with jeans and tough brown boots, i brushed my hair and teeth before attaching my belt with my knife holster on it around my waist and putting my combat knife in.

I headed back downstairs and out the door of Dad's house, closing the door behind me and meeting everyone on the road outside the house.

"Ready?" he asked uncertainly, i looked at him confused.

"Yeah why?" I asked, eyes worried i was doing something wrong.

"Well, ain't you got a gun?" Rick asked,

"No..." i replied, I didn't think I needed one, I've never really fired one properly, they scared me.... "Do i need one?"

"Yeah" Rick replied, reaching into his bag and pulling out a large but surprisingly light machine type gun and handing it to me. I took it reluctantly and strapped it to my back.

"Let's go," I smiled, setting of towards the gates trying to forget the weapon on my back.

As we where walking towards the gates, Carl run up next to me.

"Hey," he said, eyes still fixed on the gates ahead of us, "you slept in late again"

I pulled a face, I'm so lazy.

"Why whats the time?" I asked nervously, looking at him.

"Two" he replied with a slight chuckle, "You've only just got up"

I laughed a bit.

We carried on walking towards the gates until we approached them, Rosita pulled it open allowing us to get threw, Rick drove a small truck threw the gates and stopped it on the other side allowing us to get in. As Rosita shut the gates behind us, I hopped into the back of the truck along with Jesus and Carl, while Michonne went with Rick in the front.

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