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Kaya's POV

When my babies turned 3 Tetsuya and I moved out of the syndicate house. I know Tetsuya still works for them. I mean I do too occasionally. But I'm trying for something. Trying to keep my babies from the syndicate. It's a harsh life to live with.

So we live in a 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom house that's 5 blocks from the syndicate. It has a nice yard and a pool in the backyard. Wood fence at 5 foot tall around our house. With its 2 stories and a basement.

Yet the kids have always known if something is acting up or you feel in trouble go to the syndicate and Uncle Ritsu. He's married and has a little boy that's 9, Jono.

Kiro and Kiah are now 13 and very inquisitive. I'm 33 and Tetsuya is 35. Technically they expect me to pass away any day now. The tube is starting to lose control of my heart function. It's malfunctioning.

Kiah is 3"11 and small. Kiro on the other hand is 5"0. My little ones are my pride and joy. I'm not sure if they completely understand. We only tell them I have heart problems though.

We sat at the supper table and Kiah said, "Mom how did you and dad meet?" Kiro glanced up from his plate as though wondering about the answer too. I gently smiled and stared at Tetsuya's empty chair.

I sighed, "Well, we meet through... Well, he used to be an employee to my family... I fell in love with him, as he felt the same... It was touching. So nice..." I felt a smile come to my face.

Kiah sighed, "That's kind of boring."

Kiro shot a glare at Kiah. Kiro said, "That's nice mom. Where's dad though?"

I shook my head, "He's out at work."

Kiah lowered her head, "When will he ever be home?"

I let my smile drop as I looked at my kids, "It's fine. He works hard to take care of everything for us."

Kiro nodded his head while one of Kiah's hands tightened into a fist. Kiah stood up slamming her fist on the table, "Yeah. Of course, he does!"

I stared at her trying to plead with my eyes, "Kiah, please sit down and eat."

Kiah slammed her fist again, "What about you mom?!" My shoulders tensed up. She said, "What do you do?! Just stay here keeping yourself safe!"

I felt my lip tremble, "Kiah, please sit and eat with us."

Kiah shook her head no then ran up the stairs. Then I heard, "Dad deserves better than you!" Then her door slammed shut.

I felt tears start running down my face. Kiro stared at me, "Mom..."

I shook my head no, "I'm sorry Kiro just please eat."

I stood up and went to my room. I shut and locked the door. I went to the cabinet and got pills sitting them out onto the counter. I got out the hidden blade and put it beside them. I sighed, "I know better... There are better things than this." My body still wanted to grab the blade.

I heard knocking. It's Kiro... I locked the bathroom door then slide down with my back against it. I started crying. I can't keep my kids happy.

The aching in my chest happened. It happens every time I cry due to my heart. I felt myself wanting to scream out in pain and frustration. But I didn't.

Tetsuya's POV

I came in the front door with a smile on my face. Holding a bouquet of 6 white roses. I walked to the dining room to be surprised that nobody was there. Yet 3 sets of food half-eaten sat. I went up to check on the kids. Kaya's probably asleep.

Kiah's door was locked, so she's asleep. Kiro's door swung open to an empty room. I went down the stairs and to my and Kaya's room. I noticed Kiro asleep by the door.

What happened? I got out my keys and opened the door. I left them in the door as I packed Kiro and put him in bed as fast as I could.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door. I checked the bed which Kaya wasn't on or under. I tried the bathroom door to see it was locked. I groaned and searched through the keys. I found it and unlocked it.

I pushed against the door till I squeezed in. Then I caught Kaya's sleeping body before it fell to the floor. I wrapped my arms around her then noticed the blade and pills. I automatically started moving her wrists looking for anything.

I shook her shoulders and she mumbled. Then I shook a little more and her bright green eyes shot open. I said, "Kaya how many of those did you take?!" She shook her head no. I sighed, "Kaya please tell me."

She quietly said, "None. Not a one Tetsuya." I let out a breath of relief and pulled her into a tight hug. Kaya sighed, "Tetsuya, I'm already not going to last much longer."

I looked at her knowing the sadness in my eyes. She gave me a gentle kiss, "I'm sorry Tetsuya. I just thought I'd tell you." I gently picked her up and packed her to bed. I laid beside her brushing my hand through her hair.

She gently closed her eyes falling back into sleep. I'm glad she didn't do anything.

Originally Posted: October 16, 2017
Most Recently Updated: March 12, 2021

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