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(A/n) (8/1/17) This chapter is for those people that have already put this in one of their reading lists. I'm so happy it means that much to you. ❤️ Starting your not so typical Ouran character for an oc to fall in love with.
Kaya's POV

I slowly rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Well, I'm wide awake now. Then last night came pouring into my mind. Tetsuya kissed my cheek. I felt myself beginning to blush.

I trudged into my closet and put on my school uniform. I tied my bow the same as always, but it felt different. I simply shook my head and went grabbing my school bag. I stuffed my phone and earbuds in. I opened the door to see Ritsu just about to knock.

I smiled, "I'm up, Ritsu. Are you ready?" He nodded his head yes. We walked to the front door and opened it, "Have a good day at school young lord, young mistress." We walked out of the gates after the unison goodbye.

I tugged Ritsu's sleeve. He glanced at me, "Hmm?"

I sighed, "I'm thinking about continuing treatment."

Ritsu stopped walking and turned to me, "What?"

I sighed then screamed, "Continue treatment." But of course, it just sounded like anyone else talking.

Ritsu pulled me into a hug, "I'm so happy Kaya."

I sighed, "I knew you would be." Then we kept walking but I couldn't help but notice the slight bounce in Ritsu's step.


I sat at my desk and Uvo came up to me. I glared at him. He seemed slightly intimated. Uvo sighed, "Really you got me in trouble Kasanoda-chan?" He had poured so much venom into saying my name.

I stared at him, anything else? I noticed Hinoka come in. Her blonde hair flowing around her and her icy blue eyes directly on Uvo. Uvo scoffed, "This isn't over."

Hinoka came over and stood by me, "He's such a jerk, right?" I just nodded my head yes. She grinned, "I'm Hinoka Tetalay. My family is known for restaurants. What about you?"

I sighed, "Kasanoda, Kaya. Kasanoda Gumi."

She looked at me, "You don't have to whisper."

I shook my head, "This is my normal voice."

She seemed to get it and nod. She smiled, "Can I call you Kaya?" I just nodded my head yes.


With Ritsu guarding me between classes bullies don't even get a chance at me. Apparently, all the girls that bully me aren't allowed in the host club anymore.

So I guess the host club is a safe place. Well, more like I hope it is. The club only found out the day before yesterday me and Ritsu are twins. I think it's more obvious but... It's fine I guess.

I sat beside Ritsu in the cafeteria. His aura scared everyone away. Uvo said guard dog... I guess that was right. I was having a homemade bento.

Tetsuya made this. I shook my head and looked at it. White rice with cherry tomatoes on one level. Half a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on the next. And on the bottom was a single chocolate Bon Bon.

I ate in silence. Ritsu sat eating whatever he decided to get from the kitchen. I internally groaned at all the constant glances towards us.

(A/n): Warning- harsh content. The next bold is the safe zone.

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora