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Kaya's POV

I sat up in bed and looked out my window hearing birds chirping. I sighed, "I think maybe..." Now that I'm loved... Maybe I should continue treatment.

I stood up and went into my bathroom. I unwrapped the bandages and took a warm shower. Keeping my back to the showerhead the entire time. When I got out I glared at myself in the mirror.

I then let my face go to its natural smile. I slipped into black leggings and put on an orange t-shirt. I went to my closet slipped on black tennis shoes. I put my phone and earbuds into my back pocket. I left my room and stared at the halls.

It was a weekend so most people we probably sleeping in. I snuck down the halls and to the gate. I climbed the wall then jumped down onto the other side. Mission Accomplished! Escape home with nobody noticing.

I then glared at the sidewalk every turn I took. I ended up in front of the hospital. I went in and got on the elevator. I noticed a man in the elevator with me. He smiled, "I hope you're in good health. You're young. Just like the students in my school."

I nodded, "I hope you're well too."

I got off on the 12th floor and went to my doctor's office. I knocked, "Come in." I went in and sat across from him. The surprise was obvious on his face. I sighed, "What is the treatment?"

He weakly smiled, "Oh my. I'm glad you're here Kaya. Well, treatment, you already had surgery and that was a nice 30% of it." I nodded and bit my lip.

He frowned, "Well that fixed a percentage. The next step would be to add a plastic tube. It would replace the area that's about to collapse in your heart."

I sighed, "And how much would that add to having it all over."

He looked at me nervously, "That would only make you be at a total of 50%."

I sighed, "Then what would happen?"

He looked at me confused, "We would have to make sure the tube isn't rejected over the following week and that it was working properly. That would get it to 70% if the tube is successful."

I stared at my lap, "What else can there be? What will finish it?"

He looked at me sadly, "The final 30% is in checkups for up to 10 years or more later. Making sure that everything is still working properly."

I stood up, "Thanks for the information. I'll consider it."


I sat on a park bench, a tube isn't that much. I feel like I can handle it. I mean... It increases my life expectancy. I'll be around longer for Ritsu, Tetsuya, and the hosts.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see 8 missed calls and 21 messages. I opened it to see 6 of the calls were Ritsu and 2 were Tetsuya. I went to the texts.

From: Ritsu (16)

'Kaya where are you? Why aren't you in bed?'

'Kaya please answer me'

'Don't tell me you've run away again'

'Please come home'

'I love you'

'Where are you at? Are you okay?'

'Are you with anybody?'

'I'm getting worried.'

'Please don't run away. We love you.'

'Kaya Jomei...'

'I can't handle being without you.'

'I love you sis'

'I'm supposed to take care of you.'

'Do you want me to pick you up?'

'Please tell me where you are Kaya'

'I miss you, please come home. I'll get you your favorite candy.'

From: Tetsuya (5)

'Kaya where are you? We're worried about you.'

'The young lord and I are heading out to look for you'

'Will you answer your phone? You took it with you.'

'Kaya, will you tell me where you are?'

'Kaya I care about you. I love you.'

I simply stared at the last text feeling myself blush. Does he love me? I smiled and walked towards home. I snuck into the syndicate and laid on my bed. It was hard cause everyone is on high alert. Guess it's 'cause they think I'm gone.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. Wonder how long it'll take them to realize.


I saw the clock say midnight and heard my door open. I looked and saw Ritsu and Tetsuya wore out. I looked at them while they looked at me like I was magical. They sure are surprised.

They ran over pulling me into a hug. Ritsu held my waist tightly, "I was so worried Kaya. Please never do that again."


Ritsu eventually went to his room leaving me and Tetsuya alone. I sighed, "Tetsuya what did you mean by your last text earlier?"

He looked at me, "Exactly what it said." I rolled my eyes and pulled his light brown hair down. Placing the hair tie on my wrist. I sat behind him and started braiding his hair.

I sighed, "That's a joke." He turned around staring into my green eyes. I stared into his dark grey ones seeing the intensity.

I turned my head and crawled around finishing the braid placing the hair tie to hold it. Tetsuya sighed, "The sad part is I'm 19... So I'm two years older than you. Also, you are the young mistress of the syndicate."

I looked at him, "You're serious?"

He kissed my cheek and I felt myself blush brightly. Tetsuya smiled, "Of course I am Kaya. Now head to bed before everyone thinks you have a fever, goodnight."

I watched him stand up with his hair in a braid instead of the typical ponytail. He walked out of my room closing the door behind me. Did that just happen?

Originally Posted: July 31, 2017
Most Recently Updated: March 7, 2021

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz