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Kaya's POV

I glared at the closet in my room. I stood up and slipped on the yellow dress. I tied the cherry red bow while looking into the mirror. I was only in the hospital for four days. I just got home last night. My stitches in my chest still had a dull ache. I heard a knock on my door, "Yes?"

"Mistress, are you going to school or staying home today?" Tetsuya asked me.

I sighed, "I'm going. You can come in." Tetsuya came in slowly closing the door behind him.

Tetsuya nodded his head in respect, "Miss Kaya, will you be walking or being driven?" Ah, he remembered.

I thought about it for a moment, "I'll ride in the car."

Tetsuya smiled, "Okay Miss Kaya, I'll go inform them." With that Tetsuya had left my room. I stared in the mirror. I'm in a yellow dress. Yellow is a happy color so I'll try to be happy. Happiness always helps right? Of course, it has to.

Ritsu came into my room. Didn't even knock, one time I'll yell at you for that. He stared at me, "Are you sure about going to school? You should like, just relax and recover."

I gently shook my head no, "It's fine Ritsu. I'm okay, that was apparently..." I cut myself off. I can't tell him or he'll push on it.

Ritsu looked at me, "Apparently what?"

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it."

He sighed, "Tell me."

I smiled at him, "No."

I went to walk past him but he put himself in front of the door, "Tell me."

I glared at him, "Ritsu..." He closed his eyes, I can be scarier than him sometimes. Well, when I choose to be.

He sighed, "Kaya Jomei, please tell me." I guess know he'll find out anyway. Why does it matter to him now?

I frowned, "Apparently that was a major step in treatment. That surgery... It was 30%."

Ritsu opened his eyes blinking a lot, "It was? What Kaya?"

I sighed, "A big step in treatment!" Even though I yelled it... Ritsu gave me a gentle hug trying not to hurt me.

"That's great sis! Are you going to continue treatment?" he asked me.

I looked at the ground, "I'm considering it. But only considering." I looked up to see him nodding then he rubbed my hair.


I sat in the host club. Ritsu sat at a table with Haruhi blushing. Now I'm glad I'm pretty sure Haruhi is a girl. I looked back to Honey and Mori. I sat beside two fangirls that were squealing.

I quietly got up and left. As I left Lilac ran into me. A former classmate from class 2-B hates me. She looked at me after she had bumped shoulders with me, "Eww! Disgusting! Why is she here?"

Her outburst had caught the attention of nearby tables. Namely fan girls, Tamaki, Mori, and Honey. Making them all silent. Although I'm very sure Kyoya is also watching.

I simply nodded my head, "Miss Lilac Hopefall, I was simply here to see the hosts."

She grinned broadly, "Well that's terrible. Which host had to put up with you?" Happy yellow dress! Stay calm!

I sighed, "Miss Hopefall, I'm leaving. Have a good day."

She started yelling, "Oh yeah!" Please don't get Ritsu's attention. But it was too late, she had everyone in the room's attention. The room was silent. She began yelling, "You probably faked being sick!"

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now