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Kaya's POV

It's been 3 days. 3 days of feeling like someone is watching me go home. But today I was the person left to clean up. I stared around the empty room. My palms were sweating already. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

I had my phone out and I called Tetsuya as I left the school gates. Mr.Mystery didn't come to the club this afternoon. Which seems really out of place. My eyes darted staring at each side of the road.

Tetsuya picked up, "Hello. How may I help you?"

I sighed, "Just stay on the phone with me."

Tetsuya said, "Of course. What's the matter?"

I turned around and glanced around. I sighed, "Nothing... Just paranoid."

Tetsuya said, "You've been sighing a lot recently. What's making you feel paranoid?" Well I feel like someone has constantly watched me since I meet Mr.Mystery.

Tetsuya's POV

I heard Kaya sigh, "Well it's just... Just that..."

I smiled, "Just what?"

Kaya said, "Hey, remember I love you."

I frowned, "Um what?"

Kaya said, "I love you. I have to handle this."

I said, "Kaya." But I heard her phone hit the ground. I heard some shuffling then a crunch and the line went dead.

I felt my stomach drop, "Kaya... Kaya... Please just say something..." My phone dropped out of my hand. I ran to the syndicates gates and out them. I ran along the route Kaya takes home.

Then I noticed the crushed phone on the sidewalk. Kaya's crushed phone... What in the world happened? My voice spoke up, "Kaya." I called out her name but there wasn't a response. I stared at Kaya's crushed phone.

Kaya's POV

I woke up to my eyes being covered. I could automatically tell the bandana was being used as a blindfold. My hands were chained above my head to a bed post. My body shivered due to having no clothes but my panties. I could tell that even my bra was gone.

It'll be okay. Just break out. You can do it. I moved my head towards my hands searching for a Bobby pin. I heard, "Oh so you're awake?" I stopped moving. The voice laughed, "You sure look nice."

I felt my body shiver. My arms wanted to move to cover my chest, but they couldn't. I heard the man get up and his footsteps come towards me. He ripped off my blindfold. I stared into his grey eyes that were full of hatred.

A/n: warning mature and abusive here on. Next bold is safe.

He smirked, "So your Tetsuya's girl? You're pathetic. Four people is all it takes to kidnap you fully successfully?" He slapped my hard to my cheek. My cheek stung.

He laughed, "Pitiful one. Reyo said your fun in bed. Are you?" He grabbed my chest with both hands hard. He smirked, "Reyo was right. You're an unfaithful Slüt." He grabbed my body and smirked, "This will be nice."

He grabbed a cardboard box and brought it over. He pulled out a bullet vibratôr. He pushed it in me. He slowly turned up the notches till it was going at its max. He watched my body squirming. He tapped the control to my left thigh.

He got different chains and switched it to where my hands were chained behind my back. He removed me from the bed. He shoved me until my chest was as flat as it could be with the wall.

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now