6-My Baby Sister

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A/n: Contains some harsh content about bullying and self-harm. That may be triggering for people. You don't have to read, skippable chapter.

Ritsu's POV

The doors opened and all the hosts piled in after a few minutes. I was still rubbing Kaya's hair even though she was asleep now. Honey said, "Aww, Kay-chan is taking a nap. Kasanoda, why does it look like she's been crying?"

I sighed, "She was when I found her."

Honey frowned, "Do you think it's because of what Miss Hopefall said?"

I nodded, "Yeah probably."

I stood up staring at her. Tamaki looked at her, "Is she um... Sensitive?"

I nodded my head, "Sometimes."

Kyoya came over to her, "She's breathing steadily." I smiled at that. Haruhi came over and wiped stray tears that were still on her face.

I got out my phone, "Um hey... Nothing is wrong... No... Nobody's dead... No... I just need to be picked up from Ouran... No... Yes... Thanks see you soon... Bye."

I turned to the hosts, "Thank you for helping me look for her."

Tamaki grabbed my shoulder, "No problem." I nodded my head to him.


I gently laid Kaya in her bed. A maid had come in to change her. I went outside and waited till the maid came back out. The maid bowed towards me, "Young Master."

I nodded, "Thank you."

She smiled weakly, "Young Master, she had bruises on her back. I also changed the bandages on her chest. And you may wish to um... Look at her left leg."

I went in to see Kaya on her bed. Her hair up in a ponytail. With a grey tank top and black short shorts on. I walked to her bed. She looks so peaceful.

Five red scabbing lines were going up her left leg towards her shirt. They were like two inches long, didn't seem deep at all. Kaya...

I gently tucked her in then laid beside her on top of the covers. I brushed a hair off that had fallen into her face. My baby sister... Cuts?


Kaya's eyes started fluttering. I smiled gently and touched her cheek. Kaya shook her head, "What Ritsu?"

I sighed, "Kaya we need to talk."

Kaya's eyes slightly widened, "Okay."

I offered her a smile, "Okay, let's start. Why did that girl yell at you during the host club today?"

Kaya shook her head, "She just doesn't like me. Nothing to worry about, Ritsu." But her eyes tell me she's worried.

I sighed, "Okay. What about the bruise on your back?"

Kaya frowned, "Um well I did slam my back into the wall when I got into the bathroom..." That's a lie.

I'll let it slip, "Kaya... What about... The... Cuts on your leg?" Kaya's eyes widened. I frowned, "Kaya... What about the cuts?" Kaya didn't say a word she just closed her eyes. I held her shoulder, "Kaya you need to tell me."

Kaya didn't move an inch, "I'm fine."

I looked at her, "Kaya. Tell me the truth. You're worried about that girl. You lied about the bruise. Now, this..."

Kaya gently shook her head no, "I'm fine." I barely heard her say. Sometimes I wish she had a normal voice. Just as loud as everyone else.

I gently pulled her into a hug, "Kaya, I care about you. Tetsuya does. The Host Club does. A lot of people do."

Kaya sighed, "A lot of people hate me too..."

I looked at her still closed eyes, "Give me names."

Kaya shook her head no, "No you'll hurt them."

I shook my head, "Sis, I just need to know who they are."

Kaya looked at me with her bright green eyes, "It's fine. I can handle it." But deep in her eyes, it looked like she needed help.

I sighed, "Sis..."

Kaya smiled, "Ritsu it's okay. I'm strong, right?"


Kaya never told me to keep it a secret so I told the host club about it. All except the cutting. Now it seems like there is someone with her at all times yesterday. Nobody at school can touch her but every girl glared at her. Probably cause she was getting so much attention from the host club.

So we stopped that today after only a day. But now I walk her to and from each class. Nobody wants to get too close but they aren't as scared of me anymore.

Kaya was walking right in front of me. I know she doesn't like this. But how else am I supposed to protect her? She's my baby sister.


After school, we went home. Kaya and I sat on her bed. Tetsuya set holding a closed cardboard box across from us, "Kaya." I know the box was full of razors, blades, sharp pieces of metal, and other random stuff.

Kaya had handed me her two knives. One is a switchblade, the other her first pocket knife. I remember dad giving her the small black pocket knife. She sighed, "Tetsuya... Please get rid of the box... And um Ritsu you wanted this. So keep those safe for now."

Tetsuya and the other maid are the only people in the syndicate that know. I sighed, "Thank you, Kaya." I ruffled her hair as she was looking down, "Will you tell me the names now?"

She sighed, "Well, fine but don't hurt them okay?"

I sighed, I'll probably not be able to always keep this but... "Okay."

Kaya sighed, "Well okay there's Rina Gorita and Rin Krento. They've um... Caused the bruises on my back because they get... Very physical. They're third-year girls."

I forcefully smiled, "Is there any more?"

Kaya nodded, "Uh yeah. Lilac Hopefall... She's um... really uhh... Wordy? And in my new class, there's this guy, Uvo Hinto. He was bothering me even before I transferred into the class."

Tetsuya got up and moved to sit beside Kaya putting the box on the floor. Tetsuya gently hugged her as my hands clenched into fists. I frowned, "Any more?" I really hope there isn't.

Yet Kaya frowned, " Jrava Liliana Yosta a girl, and a dude Frami Hinto from your grade... That's it. Those are the six."

I pulled Kaya into a hug, "Sis nobody should hurt you. If they do again, I better know."

I saw and felt Kaya gently nod, "Okay, Ritsu."

Originally Posted: July 23, 2017
Most Recently Updated: March 7, 2021

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now