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Kaya's POV

I sighed, "Where's my brother?" But nobody heard me except Kyoya cause he's always watching. I naturally speak quietly. I watched as Haruhi continued to scold the twins as Tamaki was still sulking in a corner.

Honey and Mori were sitting on a sofa with Honey eating cake. I smiled weakly, "Where is my brother?.... Guys?" Great now I feel invisible.

I walked over to Tamaki, "Hey... You're cool. But I'm no princess. That's why I didn't want you to kiss my hand." He burst out of his corner his normal happy self. That's easy. I stared up at him, "Tamaki... Would you know where my brother is?"

He smiled and hugged me tightly spinning me around, "Well my beautiful daughter! He left already." I began to push on Tamaki's chest cause I couldn't breathe with how tight he was hugging me.

Let go! Let go! Then a squeak escaped my mouth. In a second Mori was holding me in the air away from Tamaki while I was gasping for air. Tamaki said, "Huh?..."

The twins chimed in. Hikaru said, "You can't do that boss..."

Kaoru finished, "You hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe."

Mori placed me on the floor and Honey hugged me around my waist, "That's bad Tama-chan. You shouldn't go suffocating Kay-chan." Kay-chan?

Tamaki whined, "But how was I supposed to know?"

Mori said, "She tried to push you away." Wait he can talk? I looked around and saw everyone nodding in agreement with Mori except Tamaki. But, Mori can talk?

Ritsu's POV

I walked in the front door to see Tetsuya's smile disappear, "Young Lord. Why are you soaked?"

I shook my head, "I forgot my umbrella. I'm going to hop in a hot shower."

Tetsuya looked at me, "But I sent your umbrella with the young mistress."

I looked at him, "Ah, yeah. Kaya did call me."

Tetsuya nodded, "Where is she, young lord?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. She hung up after asking me where I was and why. She was at my classroom..." Then it clicked in my head, Kaya is scared of thunder and lightning.

I dropped my bag in the entryway and ran back out. "Dâmn it! How did I forget about it?! I'm so dumb!" I said while running back towards the school.


I frowned waking up when I was 6. Kaya and I still shared and bed. She was trembling and crying. I turned her towards me, "What's wrong Kaya?"

She hiccuped, "I'm scared."

I pulled her into a hug, "Why?" Her green eyes latched onto mine.

She hugged me tightly, "Thunder and lightning..." She shook as there was another crash of thunder.

I smiled and rubbed her hair, "It's okay. I'll be here beside you. I'll hug you when you're scared."

Kaya sobbed, "Promise?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah I promise."

--End Memory--

I mean she still crawls into my bed sometimes depending on how bad the storm is. I ran into the school doors and to my classroom. I opened the door, "Kaya?!"

Where would she be? Wait... I said I was at the host club. I quickly ran my way to the host club. I paused outside the door. I heard Kyoya, "Kaya, you're not going to be able to handle the King's affection right?" Tamaki better not be trying to date my little sister.

I opened the door and Kaya ran to me crushing me in a hug. Then she pulled away, "You're soaked Ritsu."

I noticed Kyoya was the only other person left, "Kasanoda." He said nodding his head towards me.

I nodded as well, "I'm taking her home."


Yesterday I forgot Kaya at school. But now I'm sitting beside her in our private doctor's office at the hospital. He sighed, "Kaya you understand that isn't the best option."

She shook her head, "I know yet still... I choose no treatment."

He rubbed his forehead, "Kaya, please understand..."

Kaya glared at him, "I understand. But, I refuse."

He looked at me as though pleading for help. I held her hand, "Kaya..."

She looked at me, "Ritsu you know I hate hospitals."

I sighed, "Yes Kaya but..."

Kaya burst out, "But what? It might make me live a little longer!?"

I nodded my head, "Kaya please think about it. I want you here."

Kaya glared at me, "I'll consider it."

Kaya walked out upset at the situation. I frowned looking at the doctor, "How much longer... Without treatment?"

He frowned, "Two years. Maybe a little more."

I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk, "So she might not make it past high school!?"

He leaned his head forward looking down in shame, "That is a possibility."

I walked out of the room speechless. Kaya and I rode in a limo home. It was silent with us occasionally glancing at each other. Kaya's never really been healthy.

When we got home I went to my room and dragged out a photo album. It had the title 'My Precious Twins' on the cover. I gently opened it to the very first picture. It had a picture of me in mom's arms wrapped in a blue blanket. Kayla was beside us in an incubator. She was in it till she was 5 months old.

Below it had information written.
Ritsu and Kayla on their birthday.
Ritsu 9lbs 2oz and 19 inches.
Kayla 4lbs 10oz and 10 inches.
(A/n: Yes I know it's not done in Japanese measurements.)

Kayla was so tiny doctors weren't sure if she'd make it. She's only 4"9 and 102lbs now even. She's tiny and light as a feather still. I slowly flipped it to a random page. It was our 10th birthday party. We were blowing out the candles together. Dad was holding Kaya towards the cake so she could reach and blow out her candle.

I smiled at the simple memory. "Kaya..." I said as I closed the book and slid it back under my bed.

Kaya's POV

Tetsuya knocked then came in, "Young Mistress what's wrong? You and young lord don't seem to be getting along very well."

I frowned, "I said you can call me Kaya. And no we aren't exactly on good terms."

Tetsuya shook his head, "May I ask why Miss Kaya?" Well, at least it became Kaya kind of.

I sighed, "He wants me to get treatment."

Tetsuya nodded in understanding, "Ah, now I see. But Miss, do understand he's trying to help you."

I pouted, "I don't want help."

Tetsuya smiled, "But we all need it sometimes. Young Lord does sometimes too."

I looked at him like he was a strange animal, "Ritsu does? No. No way."

Tetsuya grinned, "Yes he does. He's bad with feelings sometimes. So he needs help. Sometimes you can need help too."

I smiled and nodded towards him, "Thanks Tetsuya."

Originally Posted: July 23, 2017
Most Recently Updated: March 1, 2021

Kasanoda's little sister (Ouran) (Ouran High School Host Club) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now