Ashes to Burn - Chapter Twenty-Nine

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 24th, 2015

12:00 hours

IRANR Outpost Station #45, Russia

Andy looked between me and Jake, before looking over at the pictures and the map. She ran her right hand over her chin and rubbed her jaw. She stood still, deep in thought about what to do. Jake and I remained side by side, awaiting her response. She picked up one of the pictures that fell on the floor and then glanced up at Jake.

“So what are the odds of this plan succeeding?” She asked, agreement lacing her words. Jake breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled, taking the picture from us.

“If we train the soldiers well, high.” He responded warmly. Andy looked at us with fire and determination in her eyes, something that had been missing for awhile. 

“I want you to train them well. I want you to assemble together a team. John, Derek, Oliver, Mouse and you three. I want you to teach them. I will train them as well. We’ll strictly train for two weeks, and then we’ll set out. Understood?” Andy ordered, her voice adamant and strong. We nodded and she turned to leave, but before she reached the door, she stopped to face Jake once more. 

“You better damn well know what you are doing, because I’m trusting the lives of thousands of hardworking, respectful soldiers to you.” Andy grumbled, placing her hand on the door knob. Jake nodded and saluted her.

“Ay, captain.” He acknowledged her. She sighed, and then turned to leave, closing the door softly. Once she was gone, Jake turned to me.

“Thanks for supporting me. It really means a lot that you see where I’m coming from.” He thanked me, giving me a bear hug. I laughed, hugging him back.

“Leave it to me to change my sister’s mind.” I smiled, letting go of him. I turned to Clyde, and patted him on the shoulder.

“Shall we go tell the others?” I asked, looking at both men, feeling determined and motivated to start training. They nodded and we exited the navigation room. We made our way towards HQ, pride clicking in our steps. I heard the beep of the speakers as Andy’s voice sounded over the com.

“Would all personnel please report to headquarters immediately. Briefing in ten. Beals out.” Andy said briefly, before the sound cut out.

All around us, people came out from doors and tunnel-ways. We all ended up making this horde of people, walking as one towards HQ. I came in and saw Andy on the podium with Mouse, Derek, John, and Oliver. They stood, waiting for us to join them. Jake, Clyde and I made it to the top of the platform and joined the soldiers. Everyone else filed into rows, waiting for Andy to speak. She tapped the microphone, testing to it make sure it worked.

“Good Afternoon everyone,” She spoke slowly, glancing around the room, “I have called this meeting to address a very concerning matter. It seems that we have found the main base for the Nazi concentration camps. This base is weak after the destruction of the camp by the river. It has been called to my attention recently, and it’s about time we did something to fight back.” Andy jutted her chin forward, leaning a bit of weight on her left leg. She paused for a moment, before pointing back at the me and the others.

“Sarah, Julie, Derek, John, Damien, Clyde and Jake will be training you in advanced skills. We are in a war, and it’s about time we damn well act like it. If we can shut this place down, we can gain control over the European half of the rebellion, which is the main source of the problems. We can finally put an end to this and rebuild a country, a nation and a continent. We can and will succeed. We were born to do this.” Andy said strongly, throwing her fist up in the air. At first it was silent, when she was speaking, but Andy had a way with her words. She knew what to say to rally a group of soldiers. 

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