Ashes to Burn - Chapter Eleven

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 15th, 2015

21:00 hours

IRANR Outpost Station #45, Russia

I walked into my room. It was weird, having a room. After all, I’ve been spending the past fucking four years spending my nights under a turned-over car or some stupid shit like that. I looked around. There was a bed, that oddly enough, looked pretty comfortable. There was a bathroom and even a closet.

Ha. Who the fuck thought of that?

I threw my pack down on the ground and shut the door behind me. I went over and sat on the edge of my bed. The coils were nice and semi-tight, not too hard. I felt a smile etch itself across my face. I laid backwards, sinking into the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to remember the last time I laid down on a real bed. 

It was four years ago, just before I was about to get shipped out here. It was in my house in L.A. Mouse and I had been making love, until my cat, Jezza, had interrupted us by jumping on the bed, completely oblivious to Mouse and I doing our thing. I was pissed and tried to get the damn cat off the bed. I loved her to death, but Jezza was a stubborn one. She just curled up in between Mouse and I and dozed off. When I looked at Mouse and saw that she was shaking. I thought at first that she was pissed too, but then she turned to me and I saw that she was laughing. I was mad, yeah because I was almost finished, yet hearing her laugh just made everything better. 

She just laid back down, cuddled my cat, of all things. Jezza then suddenly woke up and decided to walk off. She licked Mouse’s fingers and rubbed my arm before jumping off my bed. I smirked and went back to Mouse. She had been leaning up against the headboard. She curled up closer to me and kissed my neck, putting a hand on my bare chest, while throwing her arm around my naked waist. 

“I love her.” She had chuckled. I tried to act annoyed, letting out a grunt. She just wrapped herself closer around me, sighing. 

I knew that she also was dreading the next day. I didn’t want to go, but when you sign up to fight for your country, you kind of have to. I had looked back down at Mouse, who was now deep in thought. I leaned back a bit, so her head was lying on my chest. I looked into her forest brown eyes, and saw something unreadable - Sadness? Regret? Confusion?

“Mouse, baby what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I was just thinking…” I swirled my finger around that sensitive spot on her collarbone and she shivered. 

“Are you scared?” I had asked. That had set her off. I remember her body shuddering as she burst into tears. I held her tightly as she wept harder. I didn’t know what to say or to do, so I just kissed her ear and let her cry herself dry.

“Sarah…” I had trailed off. I remembered the next part as if it happened yesterday. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders fiercely and kissed me. Her lips were filled with so many emotions, I’m pretty sure I melted in her arms. I had deepened the kiss, and she let out a moan in my mouth. I remember us sitting up, with her straddling me tightly, yet gently, while never breaking our kiss. Eventually we both had to get oxygen so we broke away. There had been a lock of her beautiful brown hair dangling in front of her left eye. I curled it away slowly, before kissing her forehead softly. She wrapped her arms under mine and crossed her legs tighter around my waist. 

We sat there for a few hours, just intwined with one other. She had vanilla body wash on that night, and I can sometimes still recall that entrancing smell. After awhile, I thought she had fallen asleep, so I leaned backwards, falling slowly and softly onto the bed. Just as my head hit the pillow I had heard her voice.

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