Ashes to Burn - Chapter Twenty-Six

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 ***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 23nd, 2015

20:00 hours

IRANR Outpost Station #45, Russia

I spun around a corner and smashed into someone. I tumbled to the ground, knocking the other person over with me. I rubbed my head and looked over to see Jake sprawled out on the ground, rubbing his back. He gave me a playful smile, his eyes warm and gentle.

“Going somewhere, Sheila?” He asked, joking. He saw me desperately try to wipe my tears away and his smile dropped. He made his way over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. He smiled again, this time reassuring and caring. 

“What’s wrong, mate?” He asked softly. I shook my head, rubbing my temples. I felt a headache coming on and my ribs were sore from running. He took my hand in his and helped me up. He nudged my shoulder with his own, digging his hands into his pockets. 

“Why don’t we take a walk?” He asked, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. I smiled and hesitantly followed him down the narrow corridor. We walked in silence for awhile, before coming upon the entrance to the lounge room. It was fairly quiet inside, with only a few people sipping coffee in the corner while chatting with other soldiers. I sighed and plopped down on the couch next to the door. Jake sat down next to me, removing his hands from his pockets.

“I’m sorry about Sarge.” He said absently, averting my eyes. He fumbled with his fingers, trying to find words to comfort me.

“I knew how much she meant to you, and what they did to her was terrible. I wish I could help, I really do, Julie. I hate it when you cry.” He mumbled, stumbling on his words. I rested my head on his strong shoulder and closed my eyes. I looped my arms around his and pulled myself closer to him. I could feel his breath come down on my forehead. He warily kissed  it, a sign of sympathy. I smiled slightly, feeling a bit better. It was nice to be comforted, by someone who actually cared, not a fraud. 

“You have to excuse Andy’s behavior.” He started talking again, in a hushed voice. I tilted my head up, so I could feel the stubble of his shaven chin brush against my nose. I moved a little farther away from him, not wanting to talk about my stupid sister.

“For what? Being a jerk? I’m sorry, but I can’t.” I said bitterly, crossing my arms and looking to the floor. I felt Jake stir beside me uncomfortably.

“She was so worried when one of the soldiers said that you had gone off to infiltrate the camp. She was mad at first, but when you didn’t come back the first night we came back, she was scared and upset. She thought she had lost you. We set out late at night to come and find you, and we saw you walking with Sarge. Andy lost it then. She was crying in the buggy, and she could barely speak. She pulled it together to try and comfort you.” I heard him say, pausing every now and then, like he was scared that he would offend me. 

“She cried?” I asked, my voice distant and hoarse. Jake miffed, leaning back a bit into the couch.

"She went ballistic. She wouldn’t rest until she found you. We had gotten into a brawl with a few other Nazi’s and she had been badly hurt, but she ignored the pain and came after you. She felt bad for what happened, but she was so wrapped up in her own pain, and her losing Sarge was a huge thing, too. She was overwhelmed and she didn’t know how to help you. So don’t take what she did personally, hon. She loves you so much, Julie.” Jake said genuinely, wrapping his left arm around my taught shoulder. He nudge me closer to him, his muscles flexing beneath his shirt and against my upper back. I swallowed, feeling tense. 

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