Ashes to Burn - Chapter Nine

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 14th, 2015

08:00 hours

Starker's Shaft, Russia

We dug a grave for Martin outside the cabin. Derek and John shoveled the snow out quickly. Rachel was still inside, spending her last moments with her dead brother. I looked over at Andy, who was watching solemnly as Sarge grabbed a shovel and began to dig out his grave. Mouse went back inside to check if Rachel was ready. I shivered, feeling cold again. I felt clammy and my mouth was dry, so I went back in to grab my flask. I gulped down all of it, then returned inside to fill it up from the kitchen sink.

Rachel was lying on the ground with Martin her arms. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly hung open. Rachel was whispering something to him, rocking him back and forth gently. I filled up my flask, drinking more of the water. I put it back in my bag and turned back to Rachel, who now had stood up, with Martin limply dangling from her arms. 

“Are you ready?” I asked her. She nodded. I looked at Andy, who was standing in the doorway, and nodded. She took a deep breath, before returning outside to tell the others. 

Rachel and I walked side by side, to his grave. Derek and John were standing by the side of the cabin, with their shovels on the ground. As Rachel came out, they dropped into a soldier’s salute. Rachel’s eyes grew watery as we passed Sarge and Mouse, who in turn, threw up their hands. Finally we came to the icy hole in which Martin was to be buried. I took my place beside her, looking at Rachel. At the same time, Andy and I saluted him. 

Even if we didn't know him, he deserved an honorable burial. 

No one dies in vain.

Rachel’s hands trembled as she gently laid Martin down in the rift we dug for him. She then placed his dog tags in his hands, then folding them over his chest. Slowly, she came out of the hole and saluted him too. 

We stayed there, still and silent for a few minutes. Rachel stopped crying and grabbed a shovel. She started filling the hole slowly, and we waited before joining her. She quickened her pace and soon the hole was filled. Rachel threw the shovel on top of the mound, before turning around to go inside.

Never once, did she turn around and look back.

I followed her in, grabbing my stuff off the floor. I was still shaking, and my head started its spinning once more. I grabbed my flask and drained the life out of it. I went back into the kitchen to fill it up, and when I came out, Rachel was staring at me, wide-eyed and cold. 

“It starts with burning pain.” She whispered. I saw Andy stop moving to look at her.

“Then the headaches and the vomiting.” She said quietly, looking at the blood on the floor. Andy’s eyes were intent on her. 

“Then you get the sweats and shaking.” By now everyone was in the cabin, hanging off her words. Rachel looked at my wrapped up leg and made a weird choking sound.

“Then the dry mouth.” She whispered, her voice cracking. Sarge looked outside.

“We should go.” She said warily. Rachel swallowed, her gaze slowly returning to meet my eyes.

“Then you’re lungs fill up with fluid, and then you die.” She choked. I felt a wave of fear wash over me. Andy was at my side, taking my arm.

“We have to go. Now.” She said firmly. Rachel picked up her gun and looked out the door.

“You don’t have much time.” She said. Andy shook her head in disbelief and hauled me towards Rachel.

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