Ashes to Burn - Chapter Sixteen

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 21st, 2015

10:30 hours

Dnieper River, Russia

I pressed my scarf closer to my neck. The wind bristled through my hair as the snow shot down and pricked at my skin. I ducked my head against the chilly breeze and pushed on. We were nearly at the camp. It was storming badly, with a blinding snow. We decided to go with the white uniform so we’d blend in. There was barely any visibility. It was a blessing and a curse. I was leading the pack, with Sarge flanking me. John was behind me and Nycki and Damien brought up the rear. We treaded fiercely towards the camp. 

Finally we hit the ridge above the outpost. I climbed over and landed on the ground. I pulled my goggles on so I could see through the storm. This time it was something different.

The camp looked inactive.

I grabbed binoculars and looked closer at the building. I passed them to Sarge and she, too, frowned.

“No one’s there.” She said, taking another look. I peered out over the ridge.

“There’s no guards either…” I mumbled, looking out harder. The snow made it hard to see, but the camp looked deserted. Nycki came up to lay beside Sarge.

“Maybe they relocated. We should check out the building.” She said in a calm tone. I looked at her in shock.

“They could still have guards in there.” I muttered angrily. She was about to answer when we heard a sharp bark and a high pitched howling sound. I looked back to see something dark growing closer in the wind. 


“Run!” I screamed, getting up. We all bolted downhill towards the deserted camp. I could hear paws hitting the snow and heavy breathing behind us. I was too scared to turn around so I continued to run. I heard a yelp and I turned around to see Sarge laying on the ground. She had tripped over a ice patch in the snow. I watched in horror as one of the wolves leapt through the clouds and tumbled down on her.

I ran back and took my gun, aiming it on the beast. It enslaved it’s jaws around Sarge’s leg and bit down hard. Sarge screamed in pain as blood spurted from her leg. I fired my gun and the wolf shuddered, before letting go of Sarge’s leg. Our eyes held and I could see anger, fear and pain in its eyes. For a moment I felt bad, looking at its gushing wound in its left hind leg. It growled and ran towards me but I shot it down. I was about to help Sarge when another wolf came down on me. 

It looked so much more frightening up close. It was about to bite down on my shoulder when it yelped and was wrangled off. There were more howling sounds and cries from Sarge. I stood up and grabbed my gun. Sarge had the wolf in a death lock, squirming around on the ground. They wrestled, the wolf scratching and crawling. Sarge quickly snapped its neck and the wolf went limp. I looked up at the hill to see more wolves making their way down. I saw Sarge struggle to get to her feet. I reached down, threw one arm over my shoulder, and together we sprinted towards the camp.

We ran as fast as Sarge could limp. She leaned heavily on my shoulder and we finally made it to the door. Nycki and John were holding it open and we burst inside. They closed the doors quickly and there was a yelp and a loud thud. Sarge and I collapsed on the metal floor, gasping for breath.

I looked over at Sarge who was gripped her leg. I rolled over and opened my pack to grab the first aid kit. I reached in and grabbed some antiseptic and gauze. Sarge had her eyes closed and her hands clenched around the bite mark. I moved closer to her.

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