Ashes to Burn - Chapter Twenty-Three

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 23nd, 2015

04:00 hours

IRANR Outpost Station #45, Russia

I walked down the halls with Sarge’s body dangling in my arms. Everywhere, people stopped what they were doing and looked up at me. Then, one by one, they threw up their arms in a valiant salute, a means of respect. I walked slowly, limping heavily, avoiding their gaze. The halls soon fell silent with sadness, and before I knew it, I had reached the entrance to the morgue. The two soldiers who were standing post saluted me before opening the door. I nodded my thanks and carried Sarge in. 

 Andy and the others followed me in without a word. I found an empty metal table and gently laid Sarge down upon it. Her head lolled back, and before it could it the table, I caught it in my arms. I looked down at her half human, half machine face and felt tears drip down my face. I was staring at my former commander, my drill Sargent, my best friend. I blinked the tears away and let her head gently touch the metal surface. 

I turned around to look at Andy and the others. I pushed past their ridged bodies and into the bathroom. I grabbed a bucket from the floor and filled the bucket with warm water. I carried it back to where Sarge was lying. Andy mumbled something to the rest of the group and they nodded, walking out, leaving only her and Mouse in the room. I thanked her in my mind, because I couldn’t find the words. 

Andy unbuttoned Sarge’s shirt and Mouse undid her pants. I took a cloth from one of the shelves in the room and dipped it into the warm water. I cleaned Sarge’s bloody face and her alloy shell. I then worked on her neck, her collarbone, her chest and then the rest of her body. I finished cleaning her dirty body and put the cloth on the table beside me. I went over to the closet and grabbed a white sheet. 

As I walked back to Sarge, memories filled my mind. I remembered the time we first met, and I was completely scared of her. I remembered when we became friends, instead of colleagues. I remembered when she and I would walk around the base, just to talk. We were so close and I didn’t even realize it until now. I never knew how much she meant to me.

Now she’s gone.

I approached the table and stopped. I draped the white sheet over her naked body, but left her face untouched. I couldn’t believe that she was dead. I couldn’t believe that I had no one to follow, no one to look up to. Andy was amazing, but Sarge was someone different. She was irreplaceable. No one could fill her shoes, not Pike, not Andy, not me. 

All of the sudden, it hit me. Everything fell into place, and I, well, fell apart. I burst out into tears and dropped to my knees. I slammed my hands down on the table in frustration. 

“Why the fuck are you gone?! Why did you leave me, dammit?!” I yelled, crying so hard that my body shook and the table rattled. I felt someone’s arms wrap themselves around my shoulders and kiss my scratched cheek. I saw Mouse in my peripheral vision and cried even harder. I felt my shoulders slump and my knees cave in. I threw my head up in sorrow, wailing away. Andy placed a hand on my shoulder as I heard the sounds of a bagpipe. 

I turned around slowly to see Jake carrying in a rusty old bagpipe. He was blowing into it, leading John, Ali, Derek and Damien in behind him. Ali was carrying an American flag and Derek was carrying Sarge’s uniform. 

It was the one that she had worn when we first met.

Jake piped out Amazing Grace with emotion and sadness. I stood up straight and wiped away my tears. I looked down at Sarge’s now peaceful face and smiled slightly. Jake came to an end with his song, and when he cut off the last note, Derek moved forward and placed Sarge’s uniform upon her waist. When he stepped back, everyone in the room threw up their hands. I in turn did the same, shaking slightly from crying.

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