Ashes to Burn - Introduction

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

This story centers around a woman named Julie Beddell, an U.S lieutenant officer in the International Resistance Against the Nazi Rebellion (IRANR), an elite group of soldiers sent to fight against German, Bulgarian, French and Russian forces, that revived Hitler's Code and raged war on the world in 2012. The year is 2015, two years after the Nazi's dropped two atomic bombs in the U.S and Canada, creating a hole in the what used to be known as North America. Millions were killed, thousands were taken hostage, and only hundereds were left to survive on their own. Julie and her team were sent out to Russia, the source of the war, with one mission: end it. This is what she experianced, what she breathed and what she saw.

This is her story.

This part is just a reference to the story. It is not the actual story. Chapter one is on the next part.


Sacrifice (Chess) - A move intended to allow the opponent to win a pawn or piece, for strategic or tactical reasons.


The board is set, as the pieces move out. The pawns move first, their eyes strong with courage, and weak with the burden of their king. They fight through the others, as some pawns fall, the others continue forward, in search of peace. The knights and bishops now proceed. Their armor strong, their weapons poised. They begin their siege. The pawns are still being taken down, slowly and quietly. The other side grows stronger with the capture of its’ enemies. The knights and bishops deny them of their victory, they slash at their opponents pawns, knights, bishops and rooks and take them out. They are nearly there. The queen comes forth, almost like a burning ball of light, with her marble skin glistening with the taste of blood. The knights and bishops are not prepared. One by one, they are knocked aside, killed slowly, and painfully. The rooks move forward to defend their king against the unlawful, murderous queen. They stand no chance, but as they stand, prepared to die for the rights of their king, and his people. The queen moves forward, crushing them as she had done with the knights and bishops before them. 


The queen knows what she must do. There is but one mere pawn on the other side of the chess board. She takes her place in front of the king, her black marble shimmering with dignity and sadness. The white queen takes her mark. The black queen stands her ground as, shockingly, the white queen turns and faces the small pawn. The defenseless pawn that was a move away from becoming something bigger, something it thought it could acheive. The black queen watches as the pawn is hurdled to the side, its marble skin cracked and dusty with defeat. The black queen takes her mark against the white king. She can see the power, lust and darkness in his ivory skin. She charges forward, anger and determination in her eyes, to stand in front of him. He does not drop his stance. 


The king stares into the black queen’s broken outer shell as she, too, is propelled alongside her defeated comrades. The white king looks at his enemy. The black king is not intimidated. He stares defiantly into the eyes of the white queen. The queen turns slowly, facing him. There is a moment of silence as the queen narrows in on her prey. She moves, square by square, steadily and stealthy. Her weapon poised for his ebony armor. The king does not look scared as the queen spears him to the ground. 



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