Chapter XLI: The Baby

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POV: Avalie

It was the last day of school, and a little part of me wanted to sit down and cry. Sure I was excited for summer, I was sick of school. I just couldn't bear leaving this place. What if Char still needed me next year.

-News flash, she won't.-

It was true, a couple months had passed and she was doing fine. She just pushed through it and got out with a smile. She wouldn't need me she had Zach. And I wanted to be with Seth and my mom, plus Daniel and his dad. If only...I had a spark of an idea. Before I could really think it out, my phone buzzed. My mom had texted me;


My heart pounded! I hadn't expected this at all today! I smacked Char on the shoulder and eagerly showed her the text.

She gaped, "We have to go! I'll drive!"

"What? Are you sure? Can we do that?"

"Absolutely! They can't technically keep us. No one will miss us on the last day anyway." She was practically jumping out of her seat. Nothing had gotten her this excited in a while.

So there we were, cutting class on the last day of school.

I listened to Char go on and on about babies. How cute they were, how much she loved them, how excited she was. Did I think it was a boy or a girl? What would we name it? I just laughed and answered her questions as best I could until we finally got to the hospital.

There was a lot of standing around once we got there. I decide I didn't want to be in the tense environment of the delivery room, so I took Char with me to the waiting room. We asked a nurse to come get us when the baby was born since we had been told it would be at least three more hours.

About an hour later Daniel and his dad showed up. I thought it was so sweet of Kent to come! They stayed in the waiting room with us.

It was strange to look at Daniel and think that he would be my stepbrother soon. Living together in the same house seemed kind of crazy. I guess it's better him than some random guy. I couldn't really think of anyone else for a better stepbrother.

Char had dozed off about two hours into our waiting. When she woke up she stretched and turned to me, "Avalie, I don't want you to leave Jackson Prep AT ALL. You're my best friend, and now I won't get to see you!"

I smiled, "Actually I was thinking about that Char! What if you went to Preston High with me next year?"

She looked confused, "How would I do that?"

"You could live with us! Think about it! It's like an hour closer to your house, and much cheaper!" I joked.

"That would be four people in your house Avalie. Do you think your mom would be up for that?"

"I would have to talk to her, but Char she loves you! It would only be for senior year, so I don't see why not!"

A sad look crossed Char's face, "It would be nice Avalie, and being closer to home is definitely a perk. What about Zach though? Maybe we won't last, but I sure want us too! And I can't just leave without him."

I sighed, stumped. Before I could try to come up with a solution, a nurse rushed into the room. She looked out of breath, "Your mother had the baby!"

We all jumped up and hustled through the narrow halls. We quieted down as we entered her dim hospital room.

My mom's face lit up and she beckoned me over, "Avalie, meet your little sister."

I let out a small gasp. It was a girl! She was such a beautiful baby! With delicate hands and tiny fingers. Her eyes were closed, showing off her long lashes. She had chubby cheeks, and her mouth was set into a little pout. I leaned in closer, "What are you going to name her?" I whispered.

My mom smiled up and me, "Well, you know Char's brother, the one who died?" She said it softly, only I could hear it.

I nodded.

"It was so sad, and he seemed like he would have been such a great boy. And her parents were such sweet people. So I thought I would name the baby Michaela, you know, the girl version of Michael."

A smile lit up my face, "Defintely."

My mom called the nurse over and had her write down the name. The nurse turned to everyone, "I announce the birth of Michaela Elise Wright, born today at 4:18 pm!"

"Michaela?" Char questioned.

"For Mike," I nodded.

She beamed and hugged me tightly, "That is so amazing of you."

I squeezed her back, "Actually it was my mom's idea."

Char looked so happy, almost like she might cry, "I can't wait to tell my parents!"

I brought Michaela over to Char, "Hopefully next year you get to see a lot more of her." I looked up at Char hopefully.

She just nodded and stared lovingly at Michaela.


A couple days later I was with Seth, on the way to pick up my dad. I had convinced my mom to let him see his new daughter, it was only fair. She haltingly agreed, saying that he did deserve to meet her. Seth was coming with too. I was so excited to be able to spend a summer with him as my boyfriend.

Seth pointed at the gas meter, "Looks like we're almost out of fuel. Mind if I pull into a gas station?"

"No problem."

We got out of the car. I was about to help Seth, when I had to stop dead in my tracks. Staring right back at me was Cara. I sort of half-waved, feeling really awkward. I expected some snarky comment, let's just say that wasn't what I got.

"A-avalie," she stuttered. "I didn't think I would see-um can I talk to you in private?" She glanced over at Seth.

He looked at me nervously but I waved him off, and headed a little farther from our car. Curious, I asked, "What is it?"

"Listen, I owe you a complete apology, I just wasn't really expecting to see you. I heard that your parents split up, and it sort of made me remember the time I told you your dad was a cheater. I was mean and spiteful, and jealous of your friendship with Seth. I have been since the beginning. So I started getting bitchy towards you. And when I found out from an older cousin of mine who her newest boyfriend was, I knew I could use it against you. But that was awful of me, and I'm really sorry and I just needed to tell you that."

I was shocked. I had never dreamed of getting an apology from Cara. I couldn't do much more besides stand their speechless.

She stared at the ground awkwardly, "I should go," she muttered, hurrying away to her car.

I walked slowly back over to Seth.

He wrapped his arm around me, "What did she say to you? Because I swear if she said anything bitchy-"

I cut him off, "Seth, she apologized."

"Oh-um." He didn't know what else to say, so we got back into the car.

I couldn't get over Cara's apology. I hated what had happened between my parents, but it had also opened different doors in my life. And looking at Seth, I knew I had already won whatever petty game we were playing. Maybe I would be able to forgive her someday. Because hating her wouldn't make me feel automatically okay. It hadn't so far, and never would. Hating people just makes you bitter, not better.


So Cara actually apologized! And Avalie's mom had her baby! Did you like how they named her after Mike? What should Avalie do about Char and Zach? Should they come to Preston High? How can they? Well I think the next chapter will be the last chapter, so expect a really long author's note. This book went in so many unexpected directions. The last chapter will be a sort of epilogue. Then I hope to write a new book soon. Do you want another love story? Any ideas? Love everyone!


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