Coming of Age -- Chapter 8

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Sorry it's been a while. I was gone on a trip for a week and you all know the rest. Plus now I'm writing two stories so I'm really sorry and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote!


            Luke immediately darted forward, yanking my arm with him. “Training session dismissed,” he muttered. I ran next to Luke and Aaron took the lead, weaving back and forth in between trees. We followed, not uttering a word. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed by my head, catching the sleeve of Luke’s shirt. I let out a small scream and looked over at a Catcher who was already loading another arrow and taking aim. “Duck!” Luke screamed.

            I flung myself forward as an arrow flew above me. Another came raining down on Luke. He stuck his hand out and the arrow stopped in midair. It hovered there for a second before he pushed his palm forward and a wave of energy blasted the Catcher backwards out of the tree along with the arrow. The Catcher lay motionless on the ground and I wondered if he was dead. I shivered at the thought and dismissed it.

            I was dragged forward by a pair of two large arms. I looked up into electric green, worried eyes that were alight with spark and adrenaline. “Are you alright?” I nodded. I grabbed onto his jacket, looking around desperately. It felt comfortable and safe doing that. Luke was to the right, doing the same.

            I didn’t like this. There was an uneasy feeling in my stomach as if I ate bad food and then somebody kicked my stomach. Our panting breaths were the only sounds that filled the forests. Catchers could probably hear us from miles away. I gulped. We were not in a safe position right now. I had never felt so vulnerable in my life. I didn’t like this sick feeling, this fright, this being on the run for my life. I suddenly wanted to just be home, curled under a blanket reading a book.

            An arm grabbed mine. I screeched as I turned around. A Catcher threw me to the ground. Aaron turned around to see the Catcher. His knife was gleaming in his hand, poised right at Aaron’s heart. Aaron grabbed his arm as he began to plunge the knife. They fought and struggled. I lay on the ground in between the two of them. “Don’t move,” Aaron said through gritted teeth as he tried to push the Catcher away.

            I gulped and slammed my hand down on the ground. The ground rippled as if it was water, making the Catcher and Aaron fly back. I quickly grabbed the knife the Catcher had dropped and rolled through the side. I was running on energy, adrenaline, and power right now. The Catcher glared at me and I smirked proudly.

            Suddenly his expression turned into a smirk as he looked around. I did the same. Luke and Aaron were backing towards me. Our backs touched as we formed a triangle, surrounded by three Catchers. Nobody made a sound, nobody moved as we waited for who would make the first move. I licked my dry lips, blinking a few times. I could really use some water right now—No. Focus.

            Suddenly all three Catchers looked at each other, nodded, and started taking small steps forward. “Aaron, I don’t know if this is a good time to tell you this, but I’m a really powerful witch.” My voice was undercut.

            I could practically see him smirking if we weren’t in this situation. “I figured that out when I saw what looked like a lightning bolt where you two were training.”

            The three stopped walking towards us. “I told you it really was her. You didn’t believe what Blane said,” one of the Catcher’s chuckled at me. I shot him a glare, but it ended up as more of a confused look. What were they talking about?

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