Coming of Age -- Chapter 5

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Alright finally. I'm reallly sorry but I have been soooo busy like I feel like it's the busiest I've ever been in my life! I had like a million and infinity projects and tests plus soccer and balancing my social life with sleep. And then I was ready to upload like 4 days ago and my computer just shut down... OUT OF NOWHERE! I lost the whole frickin chapter and had to rewrite it. Seriously. FML!

Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the long wait. Comment, vote, fan, and I will love you forever!


            I woke up to the soft padding of something wet on my face. My eyes immediately opened, assuming it was some drooling animal about to eat me. But instead I found a gray looming sky with sprinkling rain. I groaned and sat up. Aaron was under a tree, looking around. “Morning,” he called. “I was going to move you, but I didn’t want to wake you. I guess that did a lot of good.”

            I chuckled and quickly ran under the tree where he was. The rain didn’t even touch us here. I sat next to him, resting my back against a tree. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The only sound was the soft rhythmic beat of rain hitting the leaves or grass. It was a calming sound. The air around us was cool and fresh and smelt like rain. “Did I ever tell you how much I love the summer rain?” I opened my eyes to meet Aaron’s. He shook his head. “It feels so renewing, like a time to start new, start fresh.”

            He smiled. “You’re amazing.”

            I blushed. “Uh, thanks.” He laughed and stood up, offering my hand. “So we have to walk through the rain?” I asked wearily. He raised an eyebrow. “I may like rain, but I don’t want to walk all day through it.” He chuckled and threw me the sweatshirt I slept on. I put it on hesitantly. It was big on me, covering my whole dress so it looked like it was the only thing I had on. I laughed. “Fine, let’s go.”

            After a day of trudging through the rain and mud, I was not very happy and it was still raining. I was covered in mud from slipping a few places and while Aaron found it hilarious, I did not. I had half a mind to push him into a mud pit. “I changed my mind. I do not like rain.” Aaron laughed and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you know how close we are to the safe house?” I muttered, annoyed.

            He sighed. “It seems like we should be close. I can feel its energy.” I raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. I yawned. “Are you tired?” I shook my head. My muscles had become more loose and accustomed to walking now, but I still didn’t have the endurance to stand it yet. I was still exhausted. “Can you go a little longer? I think we could make it tonight.”

            I shrugged. “Sure.” We kept walking, me constantly yawning. Aaron had to slow down his pace for me to keep up. Just then there was a flash of lightning struck, illuminating the forest and showing the black shadow in front of us. Aaron’s eyes dialed in on the figure. He immediately jumped in front of me and placed his hand out. I heard a humming noise around us and I knew we were in an energy force field. I had been in one before once when my brother was showing off his new power and made me walk right into it. Jerk, I thought as I looked back on the memory.

            The figure stepped closer and I could make out a face now. He looked about in his mid-thirties. Rain dripped down his face now creased with laugh lines. His eyes were a cheerful brown along with his hair. I noticed he had no weapons and didn’t look like a hunter. “You can put the force field down. I’m Benedict. I run the safe house. I thought I felt some people coming.”

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