Coming of Age -- Chapter 6

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Alright. So I tried to make it earlier, but I'm still busy as heck even though it's spring break and we didn't actually go anywhere. I've been hanging with friends and my little cousins that I never get to see are in town. So I did manage to get this. I hope you all like it. Please comment vote and fan. Love ya! XD


            I woke up, blinking a few times as my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked around. A smile hit my face and I let out a sigh of relief. I was in a bed at the safe house and we were okay. I looked over. Aaron was asleep in the chair next to my bed. Our hands were connected tightly as if nothing could break them apart. I felt calm and relaxed. My body wasn’t as stiff because I slept in a bed and I felt refreshed. It had been the best sleep ever besides my nightmare. I squeezed his hand. “Aaron,” I whispered.

            His eyes shot open and he jerked forward in the chair. He looked around frantically, but once he took in our surroundings he quickly relaxed. His eyes rested on me and he smiled while I laughed. “Morning,” he muttered. He let go of my hand and ran his fingers through his hair. “How’d you sleep?”

            I yawned. “Really good.”

            A smile spread across his lips. “Me too.” I sat up. “Maybe we should sleep together more often,” he said, softly snickering at his double meaning.

            I shot him a glare. “In your dreams.”

            “You know it.” We both laughed. I took a deep breath. The smell of bacon and eggs floated throughout the house. “Hungry?” I vigorously nodded. “Let’s go get some food.” I reached for a ponytail on my dresser to put my hair up, but he beat me to it. He grabbed it from me and walked behind me. “Let me.”

            I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help the smile that was reaching my face. “Do you even know how?”

            He gently swept my hair up, his fingers brushing my neck and making me shiver. “Yes,” he just remotely muttered. He fastened my hair up in the ponytail and I turned around. “I like your hair in a ponytail,” he said quietly, brushing my bangs out of my face and behind my ear. He let his hand caress my cheek. My body filled with butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I noticed how close we were, how close his lips were to mine. He traced his thumb over my eyes. “It makes your eyes sparkle,” he said quietly.

            My eyes were closed, but I could feel him leaning in. And the door bust open. “Breakfast is ready—Oh! Sorry!” My eyes fluttered open to see Aaron inches away from me. I turned my head to see Lillith grinning like crazy at the door. I brightly flushed and looked away as Aaron mumbled something. I quickly took a step back, my cheeks still bright red.

            I was going to kiss him. I was actually going to kiss him. I looked back. He was just staring at the door. “Ready to go?” I tried to keep my voice normal, but failed miserably.

            He walked over to me and leaned down, kissing my cheek. “That makes up for it.” I blushed again as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room. As we entered the kitchen, my mouth watered. There was a full banquet of breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, sausage, eggs, bacon, biscuits, and fruits. I immediately began to eat my heart out while Aaron chuckled next to me.

            He excused himself to go to the bathroom, but I heard muffled talking coming from the hall. Time to confront him. I walked out into the hall and Benedict and Aaron went silent. He opened his mouth, but I cut him off. “I heard you last night. What are you not telling me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest.

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