Coming of Age -- Prologue

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New story! I'm super excited and nervous. By the way this is like a little clip of later on in the story. It isn't like a dream or anything. I didn't think it would confuse anybody, but just to make sure you know it is the future that will happen in the end of the story.

Tell me what you guys think. Please comment, vote, fan. Thanks for reading! :D


            The Catcher cocked his gun, a malignant smile plastered onto his face.

            Then, for the one time in my life, the world went completely quiet and still. You think there are other times when the world is silent. When you’re all alone you think that the world is completely and truly quiet—void of sound, noise, motion. It’s just you and the world then and that’s it, right? Wrong. That is a childish fantasy because the world never truly silent then.

            Not like this.

            In those moments there is some sort of background noise, in those moments you slightly move, in those moments your mind fools you into only thinking it is quiet and still. Because you will never know complete and utter quiet and stillness until you come face to face with your death. And then—only then—will you know what I’m talking about. As I stared down the barrel of the gun the Catcher was holding, I knew that this would be how it all ended and, for once, the world was truly silent and still.

            And then the silence ended. With a gunshot. I prayed for sleep, that it would be quick and clean with no pain. Blackness blurred my vision and I felt as if I had physically been pushed backwards. There were cries and screams at me that I couldn’t make out. I wondered if the terrified, horrid screams of the one I loved would be the last things I ever heard. After what seemed like an eternity, my body smashed with the ground and I patiently waited for death to slip over my body.

            They say your life flashes before your eyes. That’s not how it happened—at least not for me. I saw images flash, but not of my life, of the ones I love. I saw my parents, brother, friends, Luke… Aaron. He was the last, the last image of my mind. I was thankful for that. For a millisecond I could remember him before I died.

            My last thought was not of him though, which even surprised myself. The last thing going through my mind were those words I had heard so many times, but never wanted to believe. They replayed and echoed in my mind as they had so many times, but the tone was no longer frightening as it always had been before. The tone was now mocking me as I thought of the Diviner’s prophecy: “One shall die.” I always prayed it wouldn't come true, but it was. One is going to die. Me.


So what did you guys think? I know it's a little confusing, but it's supposed to be since it's the future. You'll understand as you get through the book. I really like this since this is more of the genre I like to write and read, but I want to know if you guys like it. Sorry it's so short. It's just the prologue and the first chapter will be way longer.

So thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think, I really want to know. So comment, vote, and fan. It would mean the world to me. And you all rock!



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