"I've missed you too!" She laughed, hugging me tightly. "What are you now? Twenty?"

"Yep!" I answered, popping the p. "I'm a bonafide adult now, paying rent and everything. It frigging sucks." She just laughed, patting my head.

"I know right?" Christina agreed, joining us for a hug along with Chelsea. "When I was a kid I always told myself, Christina when you're an adult you are gonna have a train track run on your wall. Now I'm thinking about how I'd keep it suspended and whether I'm allowed to drill holes in the wall. This 'logic' and 'common sense' thing is really weird!"

A throat was cleared awkwardly and we all turned to see a cameraman standing in the entryway. "Hi, I'm Jules. I'm here to film the Gossip Galore interview with One Direction." He said nervously. Must be new.

"Oh yeah, that's us." Chelsea said. "We're the interviewers. Hunu, do you know which room the boys are in?"

"214 I believe."

I smirked. Trust them to choose my old room. A bell boy appeared and took our bags then the four of us made our way up to the tenth floor via elevator because stairs are for recycling bin ships only. Soon enough we found ourselves outside a very familiar door (well, for me anyway)

"You might want to stand back for this." Christina told the Jules. He furrowed his forehead a bit in confusion but did as she said. We exchanged knowing glances before I raised my fist and beat a rhythm on the door.

"Rat a tat tat, rat a tat tat tat, aye!" I sang as I knocked. There was a rumble of feet then the door was flung open and five boys threw themselves at us, yelling our names in excitement. "Oh god, falling!" I cried out as the moving force of one of them completely knocked me over. Thank god for thick swanky carpet, ami'right ladies?

"Oops, sorry!" He apologised, managing to catch himself on his hands before crushing me. I looked up to see familiar green eyes crinkled up at the corners by the ear to ear grin on his face.

"Hazza!" I yelled joyfully, throwing my arms around his neck causing his to lose his balance and topple on top of me. "Oof! That was a bad idea." I half laughed, half groaned.

"Oi, I wanna hug Ducky too!" Another voice yelled and suddenly Harry was yanked off me and I was pulled up into a bone crushing hug. "You feel different from the last time I hugged you."

"Lou, that sounded so wrong, please never say that again," I laughed, returning the hug with just as much intensity. We pulled back after a moment and I briefly saw similar exchanges between Chelsea, Christina and the other boys before Niall pounced on me, his now brunette hair tickling my cheek. "Nialler your hair tanned but your skin didn't!"

After a few more minutes of intense hugging and excited chatter we all finally pulled away enough to catch our breaths and gather inside. "Sorry about that, we're actually friends with them and we haven't seen each other for a while." I heard Chelsea explain sheepishly to Jules.

We quickly set up the lounge area, rearranging the furniture and setting up the lights. Finally we all sat down, us three girls facing the boys with cue cards in our hands. Not that we needed them, it was more for the illusion that we knew what we were doing Jules counted down on his fingers and started rolling as the last dropped.

"Hey there watchers of Gossip Galore! This is Christina, Chelsea and Kate back at it again with an interview with the one, the only, One Direction!" Christina introduced, nothing at all forced about the smile on her face.

"So it's been roughly four years since we last saw and interviewed you guys and man have I got to say that you guys need a new brand of shampoo. This one just isn't working out for you." Chelsea continued.

Status: On Tour With 1DWhere stories live. Discover now