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Happy New Year guys! This is an update from the future! Woo, spooky!

So it's 2014 and the beginning of my last year of high school so soon I'll be free (only to be thrust into the world of adult responsibilities. Yay)

So there isn't much left of this, I'd say three more updates max. Oh my god, I'm actually tearing up a little.

So have a great start of the year, don't kiss anyone (it's only the first date after all) and enjoy the update!


"Oh my god, we're here! We're back!" I squealed, peeking out the plane window at the landform that was rapidly approaching. "We're home!"

I could barely sit still for the remaining twenty minutes of the flight, I was so excited. It had been ten months since we'd left New Zealand and we were finally back. I was home.

"Do you smell that?!" I said excitably as (after much waiting) we walked out of the airport. "That is the scent of Auckland pollution my friends. Just take a moment to breathe it in. Ah, lovely!"

"Calm down Kate, we only just arrived." Harry laughed as we all piled into the good ol' black pedo van.

"You don't understand. I haven't been away from this country for more than two weeks. To go from that to ten months makes you a little homesick!" I retorted.

"Oh my god, it's the Sky Tower!" Christina exclaimed, pointing to said building. "I sound like a freakin tourist!"

"Wow, Auckland isn't very crowded compared to other cities we've been in." Chelsea commented. "And to think I used to be overwhelmed by the traffic here."

Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to our hotel that seemed very familiar. "No way," I murmured. "You guys didn't"

"Oh yes," Louis smirked, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "We did."

"What did they do?" Christina asked, looking lost.

"This hotel," I said, not taking my eyes off the building in front of me. "Is where I was held after I was kidnapped by these idiots."

"For the last time, we did not kidnap you!" Niall exclaimed.

"I don't know what dictionary you're using, but in mine knocking someone unconscious then trapping them in a hotel for a week is considered kidnapping."

"It was an accident!"

"Yeah, and it is completely logical to kidnap a person after knocking them out with a door." I sarcastically replied. "You're right, how could I ever have doubted you?"

Harry gave me a blank stare. "You're never gonna give this up, are you?"

"Nope!" I smiled cheerily. "So how about we get all our shit in there and relax?"

"Or we could ride recycling bins down the stairs again." Niall suggested.

"Yeah, that too."

We all grabbed our bags and proceeded to wheel them into the foyer. "Wow, it hasn't changed a bit," I said to myself upon entering.

"We've actually installed a new security system, I'm slightly offended you didn't notice." A familiar voice cut into my train of thought (I had been chugging down memory lane but the damn thing kept breaking down)

"Hunu!!" I said, dropping everything I was holding in other to run up and give the Maori lady a hug. "It's so good to see you again! I've missed you so much!"

"I know, I missed you too." She smiled, patting my back a little before letting me go.

"Oh, before I forget, these are my best friends, Chelsea and Christina." I said, introducing them. "Guys, this is Hunu. She's the cook here and she makes a killer bacon sandwich."

"Nice to meet you," Chelsea smiled politely, shaking her hand.

"Oh! I have to show you the room where I pranked Harry with tampons!" I said, gesturing for them to follow me up the stairs.

"Wait, you still remember that?!" said boy yelped in horror.

"Oh Hazza, of course I do," I said sweetly, patting his head. "I will never forget the time I pranked Harry Styles with tampons. Never in a million years." With that said, I continued on to show Chelsea and Christina the hotel, recounting all the adventures I had with the boys on that week.

Ah, it was good to be back.

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