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"A-Aspen!" I squealed before throwing myself into his arms. I couldn't believe this... My husband who died was standing here in front of me. How!? I felt his smooth my hair in my hands before I pulled back still shaking and crying.

"Ho-how!?" I sobbed pulling him in from the rain.

"The-y kidnapped me... Not Cory." Aspen sobbed pulling me into his arms again. My life was changing all over again, but I could careless about that. My husband was back... I held him close to me, not daring to let go again. I was shaking beyond my control just as I heard Ross gasp.

"Aspen." He spoke as I looked up at his face before Aspen let go of me, holding onto my back. "How- how is this possible?" Ross uttered.

"Aspen come sit, I'll get you a glass of water. Come." I sniffled pulling him past Ross and to the couch. I ran to the kitchen leaning against the counter and letting out more sobs before filling a glass of water and running to sit beside him again.

"thank you darling." Aspen gave me a small smile as I curled my feet under me and leaned on his shoulder.

Once we all settled down Aspen began to tell us what happened.

"When we went under fire, Cory was being attacked. I did everything in my power to save him but in the end he was shot. I tried saving him, I did but he didn't make it out..." Aspen paused taking a deep breath and setting his hand on my leg. "They took my distress as a distraction and chained me up. They burned the building and I passed out. When I awoke again I was in a warehouse chained to a wall. They beat me and tortured me for a year before I found my way out. I had a friend help me out, they broke my back, almost paralyzing me. I had to relearn how to walk again. The lieutenants told me they told you guys I was dead, and now with this terrorist group on my back I could never come home again. But here I am... Almost two years later... Baby I missed you so much. I'm so sorry..." Aspen began to sob again as he pulled me into his arms and cried in my hair. I thought I was never going to see him again, and I was so thankful he was here and in my arms again.

"S-Skylar..." Ross muttered, and that's when I realized how horrible this situation also was. I was married to Aspen, and after his "death" I moved on to Ross. I had a kid with both of them now... and Aspen didn't know any of this... I knew he was already heartbroken enough but he needed to know. I bursted out crying again, holding my head in my hands. What was I going to do. I was married to Aspen and engaged to Ross...

"As-Aspen... We- we need to tell you..." I stuttered and hugged him again. He held me tight in his arms until I calmed down a bit. 

"what is it baby, tell me?" Aspen wondered, brushing his hand against my cheek. His skin on mine felt amazing again. 

"A year after you... you "died"... Ross had been comforting me, making sure Mira and I were okay. And we drank a little... Things happened. We got back together... He purposed to me and god Aspen I said yes..." I paused to take a breath and let a few tears fall. "Aspen we had a child together..." I sobbed in my hands. Aspen looked horrified. 

"Aspen... I-I'm so sorry." Ross sniffled. 

"no." Aspen whispered. Both Ross and I looked up. 

"what?" Ross wondered, speaking my mind for me.

"Don't be sorry. You both thought I was dead. I understand you wanted to be happy, that's what I would of wanted too baby." Aspen looked at me and held my hand. "I-I just want to know where does that leave all of us?" Aspen asked the question everyone in the room wanted to know. I loved Aspen more than anything, and the fact that he was still so understanding... 

"I guess... we should leave that one up to Skylar..." Ross took a breath and looked at me. I looked between both of them, the two men I loved more than anything... No matter what move I did now I would hurt one of them, and one of our children too... "Skylar... I understand perfectly if you don't choose me. I still love you more than life. But I will understand, and I will back down." Ross told me, reaching his hand out to mine. I felt his thumb gently skim over my hand and I broke out in a fit of tears again. 

"and If you choose him, I will do the same..." Aspen told me. "I still love you too my dear." 

What was I going to do...

"I think maybe we should give you time? yeah?" Aspen wondered. I shook my head, I couldn't leave him now after he just came back... I heard Ross suck in a breath. I nodded to Aspen's statement, changing my mind. I would need time. But I was a mother now, and i needed to take care of my kids. I kept sobbing, Aspen let me lean my head on his lap before I passed out from crying so much...

* * *
Ross' Point of View

* * *

Skylar passed out from crying so much. I was still shocked this was all happening. I'm happy Aspen isn't dead, and I'm happy he's back. But I'm heart broken because this means what for Skylar and I? Either way, if she chooses him it'll break me, and if she chooses me... It'll break Aspen. She was at war with herself again. I was thankful Aspen was so understanding, especially of our engagement and son. Aspen carried Skylar to her room before coming back down and sitting on the couch across from me. 

"Even if she chooses you... I understand. You all thought I was gone... I'm happy you could make her happy. I'm just so sorry this is all happening... Maybe I should of listened... Maybe I shouldn't of come back..." Aspen sighed putting his head in his hands. 

"Aspen don't say that. Skylar loves you a lot. When those men showed up she knew something was wrong. And when they told her you were dead, god she lost it. She couldn't deal with the fact you were gone. None of us could. She spoke at your service... or so we thought it was you..." 

"I know." He uttered looking up at me. "I saw a video of her speech. It killed me." He huffed running his hand through his hair. 

"She always knew something was wrong Aspen. She always had her doubts that you couldn't be dead. She just thought it was her mind and heart rejecting the truth. But here we are." I paused standing up and walking over to him. I sat down beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "She needs you. And so does Miracle." He looked up at me clenching his teeth. 

"Yeah and your child needs you Ross. What's going to happen if she chooses me? what are you going to do?" He asked me. I bit my lip not really knowing what to reply to that... 

"I'll go back to being the best friend. If that's okay with you. I will still be here for my son. And I will still be here for you and Skylar. I want you guys happy, and I know you made her happier than shes ever been. She had such a hard time living without you man. She had at least a bottle of scotch every week. Two glasses per night. I mean after we got back together she was happy but not as happy as before Spen. She was never that happy." I told him. He stood up looking down at me. I followed his actions holding my hand out to him. "I promise you, whatever happens I'm always here for you man. You're like a brother to me. I couldn't ever hurt you guys." He shook my hand with a side smile. 

"thank you Ross. And if she chooses you, I'll back down. I'll still be around for Miracle but I'll let you two be happy. And although I hope she chooses me, I still hope the best for you too." He gave me a slight nod. 

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