October 17.

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By the time Aspen and I returned back to my apartment it was after midnight. We were both exhausted and I had told Aspen he could spend the night. After Aspen and I got serious I started to let him sleep here with me. The only difference is, Aspen and I haven't done anything other than cuddle, kiss, hold hands and hug. Which I don't mind and neither does he. We've talked about it many times before and he won't rush me into anything, he loves us how we are, and if I don't want that yet then that's okay with him. Aspen and I have shared many things with each other. It's like we can tell each other anything, no matter what it may be about. For example...

October seventeenth. It was our eighth date, but we were already together.

Aspen had taken me out for dinner then a movie. We ate out at my favorite restaurant Olive garden then went to see Times Change at the largest, comfiest movie theater he could find. After we ate dinner, on the way to the movies I had to say something.

"When you drop me off do you wanna come in for some ice cream and talk?" I asked him. He looked at me for a moment then turned his eyes back to the road.

"anything you want to do, I don't mind doing either darling." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him as we pulled into the movie theater.

After the movie we drove back to my apartment and we went up for some ice cream. Since he took me out I made his bowl and mine and guided him to my couch. After we sat down he turned to me and smiled.

"so Dear what did you want to talk about?" He asked me, wonder in his eyes. 

"I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you." I sighed looking down at my small bowl of vanilla ice cream. I felt fingers trace my chin and gently tilt it up. Aspen looked deep into my eyes.

"Skylar, nothing can make me run away now. Not even another guy. I like you too much, and I want this relationship with you." He told me.

"what if something happened to me that made you not like me anymore?...." I muttered.

"Nothing you say will change my mind on how I feel about you Skylar." I smiled at that. "so please... don't worry about telling me, I will stay by you no matter what." He said giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Okay... well... alright... I'll start with this..." I paused and took a deep breath. "A year ago I had this boyfriend named Ross. You may know him from his band R5... He was great and well I got into this situation, I can't remember what happened... but I lost my memory. All I know is they said someone hit me with a baseball bat..." I paused again to take a breather. "anyway... I lost my memory of him and his family and everything.. But as I healed more and more my memory came back to me piece by piece. I know I'm still missing a lot of it which may be good... I don't know who it was who hurt me or why they would but I remembered a note saying they wanted me dead. I don't really know why I did this in the past either..." I said and looked at my wrists. I lifted up my sleeves reveling the tons of scars across my wrists.

Aspen gasped and I could see the hurt in his face.

"Like I said, I have no idea why I would do this to myself... I mean I can think of only a few things but they happened after I lost my memory..."

"that's terrible... I'm so sorry darling." Aspen said with pain in his eyes.

"don't be. I'm okay now... plus... it gets worse than that." I took a moment to look at his face. He was waiting for me to continue. "well after I remembered Ross everything had gotten good, and him, his family and I went on a camping trip to Stanislaus National Forest to a camp site named Cherry Valley. Well the one day he found this girl named Zoey and befriended her. Then he started acting weird with me... Then the third to last day there we all had paired up to go do a bunch of activities, well Riker who is his older brother paired up with me and Ross went with his little brother Ryland." I took another breath.

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