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Weeks later after we arrived home, my stuff was moved out of my apartment and into the house Aspen and I had bought. He moved his things to of course. And when no one was looking I snuck out my box and hid it somewhere safe inside my new home. Finally with lot's of help, we were all moved in and had everything we needed. Of course now everyone knew I was pregnant and that Aspen and I were waiting to find out what gender it was until it was born, so we got a nice, dark wooden crib that matched perfectly with the yellow wall in the nursery we had made. 

Weeks after that, the month was almost over. Worry became more and more visible as the time closed in on us. A half a week before the end of the month my phone rang. 

"Hello." I answered, knowing who it was. 

"Hello Ly. I just wanted to inform you that we will be meeting very shortly. Saturday night." he told me. 

"no we wont be. now leave us alone, goodbye." 

"it's a nice house you have there." He laughed causing me to nearly drop my phone. Aspen of course stood right by my side. 

"h-how do you-" I couldn't even finish speaking. 

"I have my ways sweet cheeks. enjoy the comfort and safety of your home for the next few days, because you won't be seeing it again." he growled before hanging up. I threw my phone and looked at Aspen with tears in my eyes. 

"he knows Aspen." I cried. 

"he knows what baby? what does he know?" Aspen spoke quickly. 

"he knows were we live." Aspen lipped the word fuck before grabbing my purse and my hand and pulling me from the house and into the car. I didn't bother asking where he was taking me until we were driving down a very familiar road. "Asp-" I went to say his name as he pulled into the lynch's house. He got out and I followed him, he must know what he's doing. He banged on the door three times and waited, I was standing behind him, not visible from the front door. Mark answered the door and smiled at Aspen. 

"hello Aspen. How have-" Mark couldn't finish before Aspen backed away so Mark could see me then asked. 

"could we come in." Mark could tell something was up so he agreed and held the door open for us. "can you call everyone down here?" Aspen wondered. Mark nodded before shouting up the stairs. 

"guys! Come down here." And with that many pairs of feet tumbled down the stairs. Ross was the first down and he stopped to look at me. His eyes met mine and he immediately knew something was wrong. He jogged over and rested his hand on my shoulder before questioning me. 

"what's wrong? what's going on?" His eyes laced with panic. All of the lynch's now stood in front of us, including Ellington. Aspen looked to me, I had the details and these guys were my family. 

"Saturday night." I paused and looked to the floor, taking a deep breath. "this Saturday night something's going to happen... I don't know what time but... I know who..." I kept stuttering. 

"who!?" Ross began to panic more. 

"Harley is out of jail. and he's coming to get me." I gulped. Everyone gasped, Ross grabbed my hand and held it tightly. "there's two others with him. James was there on the last day I was in that woods, he did the same thing Harley did to me. He's with Harley and so is his brother." I informed them. Ross squeezed tighter making me flinch. 

"easy." Aspen growled protectively over him. 

"I... I can't let him hurt anyone." I gulped. 

"She won't ask you to fight for her, but I will. Please. I need my family." Aspen begged them. 

"family?" Ross muttered. Aspen turned to him and looked to me before gently setting his hand on my stomach. "oh my-" Ross cut himself off and let go of my hand. 

"yes of course." Mark took a step forward. 

"Stormie, Rydel I am not asking you to be any where near this when it happens. So I would be happy if you stayed somewhere safe." I told them. Mark agreed and they nodded. 

"I'm in." Ryland spoke up. 

"us too." Riker said, referring to Rocky and himself. 

"me too." El spoke softly then looked at Rydel. She seemed worried about him getting in this and I felt bad. Aspen turned his head towards Ross as Ross looked to me. 

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you." He said quietly. "I'm in." And with that, we had all of the lynch men ready to fight for me, for my baby. 

"thank you." I whispered to Ross as I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "thank you everybody. I can't thank you enough." I told them as Aspen was pulling me to the door. 

"we'll see you Saturday." Mark nodded in my direction. 


Saturday came and gone and Harley never once showed his face. I was relieved yet scared because that meant he could strike any time. But for the next month he never showed his face, and I began to think he had given up. 

I was wrong.

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