Milo & Family

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We had adopted Milo, now not only did I have a baby and a dog to take care of, but also a monkey... Literally. The woman said he's well trained and I shouldn't have anything to worry about, but even then... Aspen seemed to love this though, don't get me wrong I did too, It was just going to be a lot more work... The brunette's name I had come to learn to be Hannah, Hannah gave me all the information I needed about the Capuchin monkey, and where I could buy food for them, even though they ate just about anything. After she gave me everything I needed for him, even an extra three bags of food for being "so thoughtful" to adopt him, we headed out. The rest of the Lynch's met us at the gates and Ellington immediately wanted to hold Milo. Milo seemed so chill with all of us that he didn't even have to think about jumping onto El's shoulders. 

We went back to the hotel to rest and get Milo's things "unpacked". Yes. Milo wore clothes. He infact has a large variety of them. Not only that, but he has his own bed, hairbrush, toys, shampoo and conditioner, and even a toothbrush and toothpaste. This monkey is very hygienic. 

Aspen put Mira down for a nap while I sat on the floor with Milo in my lap to introduce him to Kota. With no surprise Kota was a bit suspicious of him at first but when Milo reached his hand out to him gently, Kota had a new friend. Milo jumped from my arms and laid on the floor to play with Kota, so I stood up and took my phone out, capturing the cutest photo of our knew family member. The picture was of him leaned over his orange bear, looking at Kota and sticking his tongue out. 

He was too cute, and everyone seemed to love him

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He was too cute, and everyone seemed to love him. I posted the picture to Instagram, and facebook welcoming our new member, Milo Grey.

"Aspen, Sky?" Ross' voice followed a knock at our door. 

"come in." I said. Ross opened the door and just as he shut it, Milo and Kota ran to him. Milo jumped on his pant leg and ran up him onto his shoulder, while Kota repeatedly jumped up and down. 

"I'm going to have to get use to this little fella." Ross laughed as Milo pulled on his ear. I giggled before Ross spoke again. "you guys want to go out to lunch with us?" We nodded. 

"if you guys know of a place where I can not only take Kota but Milo." I told him, He smiled. 

"great! Then lets go!" Ross walked out the door with Milo on his shoulders. I laughed and got Kota on his leash while Aspen got Mira. Instead of taking the cars, we walked. It wasn't too far so it was nice. I pushed Mira in the stroller, while Ross held Milo, and Aspen lead Kota. The rest of the lynch's just walked beside us, laughing and talking. I watched as Milo jumped from Ross' shoulders onto Rydel and she squealed with surprise. 

"well hello there." She laughed as Milo grabbed her arm and swung from it, making a squeak. 

When we arrived at the outside bar and grill, we walked to the front an ordered out food. I even ordered some french fries for Milo and Kota. We sat a picnic table a bit away from the shack, and watched as Milo jumped down and played with Kota. When Ross and Aspen brought our food over to the two pushed together tables, Milo jumped up and sat on the end. I sat on the end with Mira's stroller beside me so I could give her some of my food, Aspen sat across from me, while Ross sat beside me. Next to Spen was Riker. On the other table beside ours, was Rydel across from El and Rocky, and beside Del, Ryland.

We separated our food and took what was ours before I set the small basket of fries in front of Milo. His eyes lit up as he reached for the basket, taking one french fry out and eating it. 

"give a fry to Kota." I said pointing at Kota who was sitting patiently. Milo reached in the basket, taking a fry, jumping from the table and standing in front of Kota before reaching his hand out with the french fry between his fingers. Kota gently took it, gulping it down. Milo squeaked as he jumped back on the table, and ate more of his fries. He was great about sharing with Kota, and Kota seemed to love his new friend that gave him food. I gave Mira a few soft fries, and she ate them without a problem. 

After lunch we got ice cream, Kota and Milo even got their own. Both in small bowls, and both vanilla. They seemed to enjoy it just as much as the rest of us. Mira had a liking for peanut butter ice cream, which was also my favorite so I shared with her. 

After our little snack we all went for a walk down to a park where Aspen pushed Mira on a swing, Ross took Milo to the monkey bars, and I swung with Kota on the swing beside Mira's baby swing. Later that day, we went back to the motel, ate dinner, and had a small little "Party" If that's what you want to call it. We had champagne and cake, along with wine and other sorts of goodies. Then we went to our rooms, put Milo and Mira to bed before saying goodbye to the lynch's and going to bed ourselves. As I crawled in bed I looked to Milo's miniature bed to find him cuddled up with Kota who happened to be laying on the end of it. I laid down, shutting my bedside light off and looking up at the ceiling. I'm glad we adopted Milo, and I'm glad he gets along with everyone, not to mention seems to like his new home and family a lot. 

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