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Two Month's Later

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Today is May thirteenth, one day before mother's day and I'm at work, yes work

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Today is May thirteenth, one day before mother's day and I'm at work, yes work. Just a book store, not too much to handle while being pregnant and all. I walked into the back room, grabbing my vanilla milk shake off the table and walked back out to the front desk with my right hand supporting my back a bit. I looked up finding a customer but the customer happened to be Ross. 

"wow hey." He smiled at me. This was a genuine smile. I smiled back. 

"hey." I sipped at my milk shake feeling the baby kick, but as I took another sip I felt this awful pain shock at my stomach. I cried out in pain as I dropped my milk shake and nearly fell to the floor. I felt the wetness and new exactly what was about to happen. Ross was at my side panicking until I told him. "the baby's coming!" I nearly screamed. His eyes were wide in fear of not knowing what to do. "call him!" I yelled at him. He propped my head up with his arm and called Aspen, setting him on speaker. 


"Aspen it's Ross. I came to check on Skylar like you asked and the baby-" I cut him off by crying in pain. Why does labor have to be so painful!? 

"it's coming!" I cried. 

"oh my God!" Aspen shouted as a loud rustle echoed through the phone. "I'm literally down the road I'll be there in just a second! Ross get her outside!!" Aspen yelled before hanging up. Ross picked me up with a humph and rushed outside just as Aspen pulled up and Stephen too. 

"oh my gosh the baby's coming!" Steph jumped with joy as Aspen jumped out to help Ross get me in the car. I was breathing heavily and nearly screaming with pain. 

"Ross jump in back. I'm going to need your help." Aspen said before shutting the passenger door and running to the driver side. Ross got in back and Aspen sped off to the hospital. 

When we arrived there they both jumped out and had to carry me in, they tried making me walk but it was too much and I swear the baby was just going to come out right then and there if I had continued to walk. 

"she's in labor!" Aspen called while we entered the doors. A lady immediately called someone over with a wheel chair and pushed me into the delivery room. I was holding my stomach and trying not to push to hard, even with the pain as bad as it was I didn't want to hurt my baby. Aspen ran in right beside me while Ross had to stay in the waiting room. They helped me onto the delivery table/bed and after they got a gown on me, the doctor pushed the doors open.

"alrighty. What do we have here?" He smiled at me as he walked over, putting on his light blue gloves. Aspen stood by my side and held my hand as the doctor checked how far along I was. "um wow." they doctor paused and looked at us. 

"what?" Aspen and I both said, my voice more of a squeal. 

"well. We haven't had one like you in quite a while." He paused again, slipping his mask over his nose and mouth. "you have no time for medication, the baby's head is nearly showing. I'm going to need you to push." He told me, I closed my eyes and squeezed Aspen's hand as I pushed for the baby to come out. 

"come on baby, you can do this." Aspen assured me as I cried out in pain and kept pushing. Finally after what seemed like forever I felt a relief flow over my body as the baby was pulled out. I took big gasps of air and smiled at Aspen as we heard the cry of our baby. I was sweating and out of breath but so relieved and now.... I was a mother... I watched as they took my baby, washing it off and wrapping a towel around it. I didn't get to see it until they brought it over in a pink towel. 

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