Death Wish

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Two Month's later

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It's been tough but I have managed to find peace within these two months. Aspen and Ross, of course, have helped me through it but not as much as I've helped myself. I kept that one quote in my head saying it a couple of times a day to remind myself. And slowly I was saving myself again. I was doing good now and wasn't so standoffish anymore. I felt so much better and the only time I didn't was at night. I hated sleep now because of the nightmares. The better I got during the day, the worse I got during the night. The nightmares became more real and even more terrifying. It was almost impossible for me to hold in my screams when I awoke. But I still managed for my kids. 

 I finally had my best day. Which of course with my luck turned into one of the worst. 

The kids were with Aspen's parents for the weekend so Ross, Aspen, Rydel, Ellington, Steph, Axel, Riker and Ryland and I planned to spend this weekend together. 

Ross, Aspen and I had just returned from dinner with everyone. I ran to grab the mail before heading inside after Aspen. I was happy today because last night I got a ton of sleep, only having one nightmare. And I just felt so good today. The weight on my chest had completely disappeared. 

I walked in setting the mail on the counter and taking my coat off; Observing the mail. I flipped through some bills before coming across a letter. It was signed to me. Aspen and Ross sat in the living room talking about some things discussed at dinner as I hesitated on opening the letter. What if it was from Harley... My heart sank as I tore open the top of it and pulled out a card. 

The front of the card read "Sorry about your loss". I opened it and took a deep breath. 

"Dear Skylar, 
I know you haven't heard from me in a while and I apologize about that. I've been going through some things. But I just wanted you to know that I'm back and I'm so excited to see you again. Sad to know that I will be the last thing you see. Tell Aspen and the kids I am very sorry for their loss. 

Lots of Love

My body began to shake as I covered my hand over my mouth; rereading the letter. 

"babe?" Aspen spoke. I was frozen in place, unable to respond. Ross and Aspen were beside me within seconds worried about what was wrong. "Skylar, what's wrong?" Aspen asked gently setting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Tell Aspen and the kids I am very sorry for their loss." I read aloud, looking up at them. "Ev..." 

Ross' eyes widened as he realized what was going on. 

Ev was back... And she had a death wish on my head. 

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