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Ross' Point of View

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No more than a week after James had found Skylar, I woke up in the middle of the night to a rustling down in my kitchen. I had my own apartment now, well I have had my own apartment, but I spend most of my time at my family house, and spend nights here. I got out of bed and slipped my phone in the back pocket of my sweatpants before slowly walking out into the hallway finding a man standing in my kitchen going through my knife drawer. I reached for the the nearest solid object finding a candle holder. This would do. I walked out into my kitchen and stood there waiting for him to turn around. Once he did he looked at me with surprise then grinned from ear to ear.

"Hello Ross." He tilted his head in a creepy way. I was furious.

"James." I spat. He smiled and moved his hand in front of his chest. I looked down finding he had one of my larger knifes. Great. This was going to be interesting. "what are you doing here?" I growled, taking a small step towards him. He held the knife out further. "you're suppose to be in jail." 

"Well a little friend of mine bailed me out, they want you to know that they're back from planning their revenge on Skylar." He told me. 

"Ev." I hissed under my breath. 

"that's right." He grinned again. "and this time. You wont be there to stop her." He spoke with joy before he cracked his neck from side to side. I heard someone behind me but before I could turn around a larger man grabbed both of my arms, pulling me back. 

"hello Ross." Will laughed. 

"Get off of me Will." I growled and watched James come towards me with the knife. no, no, no. I did not want to die. not today. I gulped, still struggling to get away. I reached into my back pocket of my sweat pants, gripping my phone and pressing the button twice, calling my first emergency contact. Aspen. James was standing in front of me now, pressing the knife to my bare stomach. I closed my eyes, terrified on what was going to happen next. I heard a voice come from my phone and I pressed my thumb to the center of my screen where I knew the speaker button was. I then ripped it from my pocket, forcing my arm away from Will and chucking my phone onto the ground. 

"Ross?" Aspen wondered. 

"Aspen!" I hissed in pain as James ripped the knife down my skin. 

"Ross what's happening!?" Skylar wondered with panic. 

"James and W-" Before I could say anymore James plunged the knife into my stomach. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened as the pain escalated around my body. I gasped as James let go of the knife and Will let go of me. I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. The pain was terrible, and as I felt the blood spilling out around the knife I looked down, due to me being shirtless it was a worse sight. 

"Ross!" I could hear the worry and pain in Skylar's voice. 

"Help..." I nearly whispered. 


It seemed like forever until Aspen and Skylar showed up at my door step. I hoped to God they didn't bring Mira. Thankfully they didn't. They both ran in the door, and once Skylar saw me she began to sob and run to me. 

"Ross!" She cried as she collapsed at my side and put my head on her knees. Aspen grabbed his phone and began calling 911. 

"Skylar" I tried breathing, but the knife in my stomach made it almost impossible. My hand shook as I reached for the knife, I gripped the handle and before I could think about the worse pain I was about to bare, I ripped the knife from my stomach. I cried out in pain as I dropped the knife and pressed my hand to my now bleeding wound. 

"Ross you're going to be okay, it's going to be okay." Skylar assured me. All I could think about was where Mira was and who she was with. 

"Where's Mira?" I gulped and squinted my eyes shut. 

"don't worry about her Ross, she's okay. She's at home with Luke." Skylar sniffled. I felt my eyes drooping and my muscles being to loosen. I was dying. 

"Skylar." I whispered, a tear slid down her cheek as her eyes met mine. "I'm sorry for causing you- so-so much pain. I wish I could take it back, I-I do. I love you Skylar, I lov-e you so much" I stuttered as i began to choke. I coughed up blood, and it was as if I couldn't move. My body was getting cold, and I felt myself begin to slip. 

"Ross, Ross stay with me. Please." She cried harder, pulling me into her arms tighter. 

"Will. H-e's back. She's back. Skylar remember, please. Don't let her hurt you. Remember Skyla-" I coughed again before my entire body went numb and I looked to the love of my life once more before I slowly drifted into oblivion. 

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