Set Up

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Thursday morning everyone had plans to go to the beach, I was excited to get in the water until my phone rang at breakfast. I looked at it before standing up and leaving the table for a moment to answer it.

"Beelzebub." I answered.

"Skylar, what are you doing right now?" He asked me.

"I was just having breakfast with my fami-"

"If you want to get your things, now would be the time." He explained. I sighed, covering my eyes with my hand.

"I have to get away from them first. They can't know about this. Especially Ross." I couldn't just leave, I had to go alone. But with Ross knowing where I was going he'd never let me.

"well figure something out." Beelzebub said before hanging up. He was acting so strange... Like he was reading off a paper... I leaned against the wall before I came up with an excuse that would have to work... for now at least. I walked back to the table, shoving my phone in the back of my short's pocket.

"hey guys, I'm not feeling to well right now... Why don't you head to the beach without me." I told them.

"Aw." A few whined.

"I'll stay with her." Ross shrugged, I had to think fast.

"no!-" I cleared my throat. "No, I mean I wouldn't want you missing out on all the fun. Don't worry about me. I'm fine by myself." I explained. I was too bad at lying.

"are you sure?" Aspen asked as he stood up with Mira in his arms. Milo squealed from Del's lap before nearly jumping across the table to Ross.

"Yeah. Bring Kota, Milo and Mira and have a good time. I'm just going to hang out here and if I feel any better I'll head over." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"alright. As long as you're okay." He muttered and felt my forehead, checking for a fever.

"I am. Just have a bit of a stomachache." I lied. I hated lying.

"okay my love." He kissed my forehead before turning to the rest. They all waved bye to me as they left the hotel. Once they were out of site of the doors, I turned around and ran to the elevator. After pressing the button multiple times the doors opened and I slid inside. The man I had met the other day... Will was his name, was standing in the back quietly watching me. There was something too familiar with him, it made my stomach turn.

I reached my room, running in and grabbing my purse. I checked the large window finding the cars already gone, except for my bright red one. I turned around looking at the dresser finding the keys sitting on the edge. Perfect. I grabbing the keys as I ran out the door and to the elevator again. Once down to the main lobby I ran out and to my car, before hoping in and leaving. I remembered exactly where my father house was, so it wasn't hard to get to, thankfully.

As I rolled up the dusty old drive way my stomach began to turn. I grabbed my phone, typing in the address in Aspen's messages. I wouldn't send it now, only if I was in trouble. I parked in front of the house and slowly got out, leaving my purse inside my car. I shut my door before looking up at the house and taking a deep breathe before walking towards the old, black house. I walked up the creaking steps and as I neared the door my heart began to race. As it pounded in my ears, I raised my hand and knocked three times. Footsteps made their way towards the door before it slowly opened revealing Beelzebub.

"Skylar." He slightly smiled, something was off here, I could feel it.

"Hello." He opened the door allowing me in. I gulped before entering and looking around. Nothing had changed for the most part, except the age Beelzebub had put on. He took me into a hug before quickly pulling away.

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