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Aspen wouldn't tell me where he was taking me. But as we began to make our way down a road I knew by heart, he blind folded me.

"Ah Aspen..." I chuckled.

"You can't see it yet." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, okay." I slightly giggled and leaned back against my seat. I was getting antsy. I felt the car come to a stop about ten minutes later. Aspen got out and seconds later my door opened. He helped me out and we began to walk somewhere. I felt as if the world was staring at me. I began to hear soft classic music as we approached the place Aspen wanted to take me. I could see lights through the blind fold but I still couldn't see where we were. Then I saw red and blue lights flashing in front of me.

"excuse me sir..." It was an officer...

"Yes?" Aspen replied.

"Where are you taking this young lady?" The officer asked. I began to giggle. He thought Aspen was kidnapping me. Flashes of those six months I was kidnapped flew through my mind. I wouldn't let them overcome my happiness.

"I am taking her somewhere special.." Aspens voice sounded... off...

"oh you are? how very sweet." And so did the officers.

After the officer asked me my name and shook my hand he left, and we continued on walking. The classical music was now on top of us and the twinkle of the lights made it past my blind fold.

"are you ready?" Aspen asked me, his breathing increasing.

"yes... I'm very curious under here." I smiled. The music began to soften and play a song I loved. The title of the song was turning page by Sleeping at last, My favorite instrumental song. The best part of it was this song was playing the first time Aspen and I met...

Aspen pulled my blind fold off and I gasped at the scene in front of me. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

We were standing on The Golden Gate bridge, right in the middle. The bridge had twinkle light wrapped all around it and the moon shun perfectly down on us. I looked around taking in the gorgeous view I had of everything. It wasn't until I went to speak that I noticed all the people gathering on each side of the bridge... I was confused yet amazed. I looked to my left seeing a news crew here, I saw a flash from above me and looked to find a camera man strung up on the bridge taking my picture. I went to look at Aspen finding him down on one knee. My breathing hitched as I finally figured out what was going on.

"Skylar, I know this comes to you as a surprise, which is what I wanted. I know it may seem early but I know that you're my everything and you are all I will ever want and need." Aspen paused. I was so surprised and happy and I had feelings I never knew I could ever have. "From the first day I met you back in that old garage I knew you were the one. It seems like a short time to be together but it only took me three in a half years to know exactly what I want. You Skylar. I want you, every minute and everyday for the rest of your life, forever.

"I want to tell you how beautiful you are everyday, I want to wake up beside you in twenty years and smile at our kids, I want to sit beside you on our front porch when were old watching our grand kids play at our feet. I want to live my life with the most beautiful woman I have loved from the very beginning. I want to share my life with you Skylar. You are a gift from God, and I will cherish you every minute of my life. I love you Skylar, I will always love you. Please would you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world..." Aspen took my hand in his and opened a little black box reveling a two band, diamond ring. It was gorgeous, diamonds spread across both bands leading up to the largest one on tip. It was circular and large but beautiful. My heart skipped a beat.

Skylar Nicole Evans... I promise to love you every moment of forever.

Will you marry me?"

"Yes." I breathed. He let out a breath and stood up. He looked into my eyes and I swear I saw his soul smile. Aspen slipped the gorgeous diamond ring on my finger just before I jumped into his arms. "I love you!" I exclaimed loudly.

"I love you" I was now crying in happiness. "And I always will, for every moment of forever my darling."

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