The truth about Mystic Messenger

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~707's POV~

"The reason why I played through her route was because I wanted to get to know Legacy

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"The reason why I played through her route was because I wanted to get to know Legacy...and I thought that, maybe, she would be sent back home once the game finishes..."

All eyes that were focused on me suddenly turned disturbed as the information finally processed in their minds. I heaved out a long sigh after I told everyone the reality of our situation; about how we were all inside a mobile game called Mystic Messenger, that Legacy was from another dimension beyond our 2D world, and that we were just characters in an app following our programming.

It sounded ridiculous, I have to admit, but it was the truth.

I even showed them the contents of my phone's messenger, and there they saw Legacy's picture in the Day List. Her background was glitched out but, other than that, the picture was still recognizable.

"So..." Yoosung was the first to speak up, his voice was heavy with uncertainty and dread as he looked me in the eye. "If we're part of a game, why is Legacy in here with us?"

We all turned our heads to Legacy who was sitting anxiously beside me. She looked even more confused than anyone else in the group... I mean, how couldn't she? Without any memories at all, she didn't know what to make of this story.

"Legacy got sucked into the game after I hacked it," I explained, feeling a bit guilty that I was half the reason why she's suffering like this. Remembering the other reason, my fists clenched beneath the table. "But I wasn't the only one at fault."

Jumin raised an eyebrow at me, his expression was as stoic as ever.

"What do you mean by that? Please explain further." He said.

"The hacker," I began and everyone's eyes widened in fear at the sound of the threat like I had expected. "He said that he was trying to hack the game for a while now but couldn't break through."

They all nodded quietly without saying a word, allowing me to continue speaking.

I looked towards Legacy and saw that her hands were trembling. She was scared. So I carefully enveloped a warm hand on top of hers in hopes of calming her down a bit.

She smiled at me and brought my hand up to her cheek. The soft skin gently pressed against my palm sent shivers throughout my entire body. Her eyes gazed at me lovingly and I finally smiled back, wanting to return this blissful feeling she easily gives me.

I opened my arms in silent gesture and she moved over to sit on my lap, resting her head against my chest. With Legacy safely in my arms, I felt more relaxed despite our situation.

I looked back to the others, not minding the playful smirks they were sending my way and resumed my explanation.

"I don't know how the hacker is aware of the game like I am...but that alone was enough to make me feel uneasy." I told them.

"So, Seven, how come you were the only one aware that none of this was real? That we were actually inside a game?" Zen asked skeptically.

I shrugged. "Beats me. When the game was created, I was already aware of everything." I answered honestly. "I think there was a small  e r r o r  in the algorithm and it allowed the characters 707 to be more self-aware of what was happening around us. Every single copy of me in every phone is probably facing the same error."

"Then does that mean that the hacker is the same as you and all the other 707s?" Jaehee asked in a great amount of concern.

"It's possible," I said. "When he found out that I was trying to hack into the game like he was, he used me as a way in to the system and somehow managed to drag Legacy here into Mystic Messenger. If anything, I'd say this Unknown of ours was even more dangerous since he was able to successfully pull a real person into a two-dimensional world."

Everyone fell into silence once again. The news was definitely a bit heavy to take in, especially so early in the morning.

Jumin called for his chef and asked him to make a big breakfast for us, saying that our brains were going to need the nourishment for later on. He was right about that and I wasn't in any mood to argue.

I assumed that the agency was still trying to track me down. I couldn't stay here. Not while everyone's lives would be in danger because of my faults.

"As soon as we're done eating, I'm going to leave." I suddenly announced, surprising everyone in the group.

"What? Why?!" Yoosung cried. "We were finally getting along! Don't leave us, Seven!"

"He's right." Zen agreed, crossing his arms and staring me down. "It's not fair that we get to be more friendly with each other, only for you to bail out on us in the end."

"I agree with Zen." Jumin finally spoke up, although...his response was more startling than him just voicing out his thoughts.

"You two have been agreeing a lot lately," Jaehee remarked.

"Yes. We've been agreeing more ever since we met Legacy." Jumin replied, glancing over at Legacy in my embrace. "I think her being here has made us all closer."

Zen frowned.

"I...agree." He begrudgingly stated.

Yoosung turned to me with hopeful eyes and I knew just by looking at him that he was going to suggest something extreme.

"Seven, take us with you!" He exclaimed.

I was right. This was totally extreme.

"I can't take you with me! It's too dangerous!" I retorted. Legacy glanced up at me with a heartbreaking whimper and I immediately hug her in reassurance. "Except for Legacy. I'm bringing her along with me. There's no way I'm going to leave her alone ever again."

This perked her up instantly and she eagerly reciprocated my hug with one of her own.

"Out of the question! We go wherever Legacy goes!" Jaehee argued, glasses glinting menacingly.

"That's right! If something were to happen to our precious Legacy then we'd all be heartbroken!" Zen stood up and pointed at me. "And if something were to happen to her then I need to be able to know where you are so I can KICK YOUR ASS, Seven! Do you understand?!"

"Why are you threatening him?" Yoosung sweatdropped.

"I can't. The agency is still searching for me. If we stay as a group then we'll get caught." I briefly explained to them.

Jumin looked deep in thought for a moment, before his eyes started shining like he had an idea.

"What if we went with Seven but didn't go with him?" He vaguely suggested.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Zen yelled, confused.

"I meant that we could accompany Seven and Legacy, but in separate cars. We could stay a considerable distance away from them so that it would seem like we weren't together." He said. "That way we can keep an eye on the two of them without getting caught."

That might work?

"I'm open to the idea," I told him. "But do you guys really want to go? I'm going to locate the hacker and see where he stays."

"If anything happens then Jumin can call the entire police force," Zen shrugged.

"That's true... And we could use some armed men with us in case something happens." I sighed. "Alright. Everyone is coming along then."

~End of POV~

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